Show StuDENT D, F, W Grades

It is important to review students who have D, F, W grades as the semester progresses.  This tool allows departments to filter data showing Students with a D,F or W grade. This document will instruct the user in the use of this tool and the various options that are available.

  1. Click on the Records and Enrollment Tile.
  2. Click on Student Term Information from the menu list on the left.
  3. Click on Show Student Show D, F, W Grades from the menu list on the left.
  4. Enter the term you would like to view the D, F or W grade information. Select your College and Department from the dropdown list. And, select whether you would like to view Mid-term of Final grades. Then click on Filter to get a detailed list.
    Screenshot #4
  5. After you click on Filter a list of classes will be displayed with Students who have a D,F or W.
    Screenshot #5
  6. Click on the Show Class Detail to get a list of Students.
    Screenshot #6