Responding to Progress Report Requests


Progress Reports are a course-based form sent to instructors to understand individual student academic and/or behavioral performance at key times during the term. Through Progress Reports, WCU can collect information on a student’s likelihood of failing a class, their current or anticipated grade, current absences, and potential alerts.

Purpose: Progress Reports allow WCU to gather feedback on student performance and identify potential barriers to success. Progress Reports proactively request feedback from faculty and strategic questions.

Process: Each semester some instructors will receive an email request to submit a Progress Report on the courses they are teaching. Not every faculty member receives a Progress Report,  and those that receive a progress report may see only a partial lists of students from their roster on the report. The list will consist of students in their class that possess certain characteristics such as: athletes, students on probation, and high support-need students.

How to Approach Progress Reports: Not every incident needs to have an alert or referral raised on the student. EX: If a student missed one class out of twenty, an alert does not need to be raised. However, if a student is missing multiple assignments which are impacting their learning, then this is a case where an alert or referral should be raised on the student. 

If a student stopped by your office hours to ask ‘how is it going/how am I doing’, what feedback would you give, and what supports would you recommend? Missing one class out of 20 might not be worth discussion; but several missing assignments would.

The goal isn’t to report on everything, the goal is to offer reports on the areas that are impacting a students’ success.

  • The email has a link to the Progress Report Feedback form. By clicking on this link, instructors will be sent directly to the Progress Report section in Navigate. No need to log in to Navigate first.
  • If instructors teach multiple courses and/or sections, each course will have its own progress report, and all will appear in the email.

Decision Guidance

The Navigate platform provides several mechanisms for supporting a complete early alert system workflow: progress reports, alerts/referrals/kudos, and cases.

Alerts allow any faculty or staff member to create a more general Alert to draw attention to a student who may potentially need support or to recognize a student's achievement. Alerts appear on the dropdown in a Progress Report or can be assigned ad-hoc.

Responding to Progress Report Requests 1

Ad-hoc Alerts can be assigned at any time. Simply select Issue an Alert on your desktop to open the Alerts dialog.

Each Alert will send an email to the student informing them that their professor or other staff member has concerns and recommends the student reach out to the professor or resource office.

Additional information regarding Alerts can be found in the Navigate Help Center. (Use your WCU username and password to log in to the Navigate Help Center).

Progress Report Student Alert Notification

Responding to Progress Report Requests 2

Referrals allow any instructor or staff member to create a referral to another student support resource such as Tutoring, Academic Student Success, OEA (Office of Educational Accessibility), Financial Aid, and more.

Kudos allow staff to give a "great job" acknowledgment to students who are performing well academically or showing the WCU spirit! Kudos are positive motivators. Students enjoy getting kudos.

Cases can be automatically opened from Alerts or Referrals, creating an electronic "case file" where staff across departments (e.g., financial aid, bursar, tutoring, counseling) can coordinate and collaborate on the follow-up with the student. Cases are "closed" by the department after they have contacted the referred student. A notification will be sent to the original staff/faculty person who raised the concern with a brief explanation of the steps that were taken.

As mentioned above, issuing an Alert might open a Case. To learn more about cases, read the Cases article.

Important. Any information you enter into Navigate pertaining to a student becomes part of their official student record. It may be subpoenaed by the student as outlined in the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).

Progress Reports Email to Faculty

During the semester, an email containing the link to the Progress Report and a summary defining the purpose for this report and the deadline date for completing the reports. See the example below.

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When the instructor clicks on the link for the class the progress report will open.

An example of what a Progress Report form looks like is shown below.

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Categories on the Progress Report

At-Risk to Fail Your Class?
Use this field to indicate if this student is currently at-risk to fail your class.

Alert Reasons
Select a reason from the dropdown of why you are issuing the alert. You can apply more than one alert to any student on the Progress Report.

The number of absences this student has accumulated by the date of the Progress Report.

Current Grade (if D/F)
This field only needs to be completed if the student is currently earning a D/F grade.

Enter a narrative regarding how this student is progressing in the course. As with any narrative comment, the more complete the better. Students DO NOT see the comments.

Progress Report Details

Responding to Progress Report Requests 5

Alerts and Workflow


Alert Reason (add details in comments on all alerts/referrals - students do not see comments) Type of Alert Case or Alert Reason for Concern Intervention Steps i.e. what happens when I submit this alert? Auto Email to Student Will the submitter hear back?

Kudos (Positive Alert)- Add when you want to give a complement to a student.

Write your comments as if you are talking to the student.

Progress Report and Adhoc


Positive motivational alert to encourage student engagement and celebrate progress.

The Navigate team passes along comments entered by staff/faculty to students via a Navigate email. This is the only alert/case/referral/kudo in which comments are shared with students.


No. This is just a kudos communication to students

No/Low Attendance

Progress Report and Adhoc


Add this alert if the student is not attending your course/ engaging in D2L. Please indicate in the comments if you have reached out to the student.

Academic Support & Advocacy (ASA) Team receives these cases. Within 3 days of the original alert, the ASA staff will send a text message to students and encourage them to make an appt. with their office.

Escalation: The case is escalated to SSET if the student does not engage with ASA


Yes. ASA & SSET will communicate the status of supports

Academic Concern: (missing assignments/low scores)

Progress Report and Adhoc


Add this alert if the student is engaged in your class, but quiz/test/assignment scores are low.

The student will receive a detailed email recommending they contact their instructor and providing the information about support services. Case is opened and sent to Success Coaching to engage with students. If Success Coaching isn't successful connecting with students, the case will get escalated to SSET.


Yes. Success Coaching & SSET will communicate the status of supports

Alert: Other. Raise if none of the other alerts apply. Please add detailed comments.



Add this alert if your concern is outside the previously listed alerts/referrals.

Please be careful not to use the Other alert reason for items that should go to the CARE team

Academic Support & Advocacy (ASA) Team receives these cases. Within 3 days of the original alert, the ASA staff will send a text message to students and encourage them to make an appt. with their office.

Escalation: The case is escalated to SSET if the student does not engage with ASA


Yes. ASA & SSET will communicate the status of supports

REFFERRALS: Use to refer to other offices with more expertise of the issues that need to be addressed

Referral: Success Coaching - Raise this referral if you think the student would benefit from skills coaching



Success Coaching includes Time Management, Study Skills, and organizational skills

An alert goes to the Success Coaching team. The team reaches out to students to invite them to meet with a success coach.



Referral: Autism Services - Raise this referral if you the student discloses to you that they would benefit from autism support services.



Raise this referral if the student discloses to you that they would benefit from autism support services.

D-Cap Staff receives these referrals and reaches out to the student to offer support services.


Yes from D-Cap staff

Referral to Career Development Center: You feel the student would benefit from attending mock interview sessions, resume review, inquiring about a internship, or student expressed they are interested in changing majors.



Refer student who have questions about internships, changing majors, what to do after graduation, etc…

The student will receive a very detailed email highlighting the services available to the student and links to create an appointment with the staff in the Career Development Center.

Career Development Center team reaches out to students to schedule appointment.


Yes from Career Development Center Staff

Referral to Counseling: Student would benefit from services offered by WCU Counseling Services

Progress Report and Adhoc


Refer student to the Counseling Center services

The student will receive a very detailed email highlighting the services available to the student and links to create an appointment.



Referral to Financial Aid & Billing/Payments: Student express concerns about being able to pay for college or billing disputes



Refer student to FinAid and Bursar

The referrals are reviewed and assigned to the office that can assist the student with their concerns


Yes from financial aid and Bursar

Referral to Library & Research Resources: You feel the student would benefit from interacting with library staff to better understand  research techniques and APA.



Refer students who need assistance with research for undergraduate or graduate studies.

The student will receive a very detailed email highlighting the services available to the student and links to create an appointment.

Library Team reaches out to students to schedule appointment.



Referral: Office of Educational Accessibility (OEA): refer to see if this office can assist the student



Referring students to OEA does not guarantee accommodations, but staff will investigate how thy can help the student be more successful

The student will receive a very detailed email highlighting the services available to the student and links to create an appointment.

OEA Team reaches out to students to schedule appointment.


Yes from the OEA team

Referral: Student Enrollment Concern: The student may be at risk of retention

Progress Report and Adhoc


Student has expressed interest in transferring, withdrawing, or dropping below FT.

Academic Support & Advocacy (ASA) Team receives these cases. Within 3 days of the original alert, the ASA staff will send a text message to students and encourage them to make an appt. with their office.


Yes from the ASA team

Referral to Transfer Services: student raised concerns about their transfer past and future credits



The student has questions related to transfer credits.

Transfer Service Office: A staff member will reach out to the student to assist the student with their transfer questions


Yes from Registrar team

Referral to Tutoring: Students would benefit from tutoring (FYE courses are exempt- no tutoring available)

Progress Report and Adhoc


Referring student to the Tutoring services at WCU.

The Tutoring Services department will investigate if tutoring is available for the course and reach out to student to offer services, or the faculty member if tutoring is not available for this subject.



Referral to Writing Center: You feel student could improve their writing, if they connected with the writing center.

Progress Report and Adhoc


Refer students to Writing Center to improve their writing, outlining, research, and APA skills.

The student will receive a detailed email highlighting these services provided and how the student can make an appointment with the Writing Center staff.



*Alerts and referrals subject to change

Submission Options

Once you have filled out the categories on the Progress Report, click EITHER submit only marked students (but I am not done) button if you need to return to fill out more progress reports later * OR click Submit unmarked students as not needing additional support (I am all done) button. This option gives you the option to only manually mark students who are at risk and automatically mark everyone else not at risk when you click this button.

*you can return to the report by clicking on the link in the original email

Note. Submit unmarked students as not needing additional support (I am all done) is also the button you select when you are done filling out Progress Reports, even if you have marked every student individually.

Responding to Progress Report Requests 7

Assigned Staff Notification

Staff notification occurs when an alert or referral was generated from a progress report or ad-hoc. Each referral opens a case. If a staff or faculty member issues an alert or referral on a student and the selected alert/referral reason has been configured to send assigned staff emails, the staff assigned to the student will receive notification for the Alert Reason.

Example: Notification a staff member receives

Responding to Progress Report Requests 8

Staff members will "close the loop" by sending a status of the referral to the original sender. All notes associated with the alert or referral will be on the student's Navigate profile.

Frequently Asked Questions

Where do I get assistance in completing the Progress Note?

For technical assistance email

What is the character limit for the Comment field when faculty fills out Progress Reports?

The limit is 65,535 characters.

At what time of day does a Progress Report Campaign expire?

For a Progress Report Campaign, the expiration is set to 12 AM the day AFTER the campaign ends. This means that if the date specified on the application is 8/24/2019 then the Progress Report Campaign expires on at 12:00 AM on 8/25/2019.

Why can't I submit my Progress Report?

There are several potential reasons, but one is if you are unable to set an Alert Reason for the student after marking a student at-risk. You must always add an Alert Reason when marking a student at-risk on a Progress Report if your Progress Report is configured to have Alert Reasons.

I received an email stating some of my progress report entries were not saved successfully. Why have I received it and what should I do?

This email is sent out if something occurred that prevented the system from saving some of your progress report entries from your recent submission. This can occur for any number of reasons, including, but not limited to, unstable network conditions at the time of the submission. There is a link provided in the email that will take you to the submission form so you can complete the remaining progress reports that were not successfully saved.