Looking to reserve a large space in Sykes for 2024-2025?


Advance Reservation is the process that Sykes Union and Student Activities implemented in 2022 to assist student organizations and university departments with reserving space within Sykes Student Union for future events. 

After a successful inaugural year, Sykes Student Union is pleased to begin the 2024-2025 Advance Reservation process. Please review some of the FAQs below and note the tentative timeline at the bottom of this page. 

Sykes Student Union staff will be available for consultations on several dates from February 1- 16 to walk through the Advance Reservation form and answer questions and/or support departments and student organizations in preparing their requests. Find a date and time that works for you on Sykes' Bookings page. Please select the SUSA staff member that you typically work with for reservations throughout the academic year.  For those who prefer to meet on Zoom, the link will be provided after the meeting is confirmed on Bookings.

Click here to submit an Advance Reservation request


What is Advance Reservation?

Advance Reservation is the process that Sykes Union and Student Activities implemented in 2022 to assist student organizations and university departments with reserving space within Sykes Student Union for future events. With limited large venues on campus and trying to meet the needs of many organizations and departments, this process will allow for space requests to be made in advance during a shared week to allow for equal opportunity to these spaces. The current process allows an event organizer to request space up to a year in advance. This process provides more structure and creates more opportunities for all event organizers to gain access to spaces.


How does it work?

A form on RamConnect goes live during a specific week in the spring semester. All student organizations and university departments must complete one form for each event they want to hold. Once the Advance Reservations period has passed, the form closes. Then, Sykes Union and Student Activities staff begin processing all the requests according to the date/time submitted and prioritizing based on the scope and scale of the event. Event organizers will receive a notification asking them to confirm their request before we issue a final confirmation.

What information do I need in order to submit my request?

  • Requesting organization/department
  • Co-hosts of event
  • Phone number
  • Email address
  • Event name
  • Event description (room layout, technology needs, what event will look like start to finish, etc.)
  • Estimated attendance
  • How often the event occurs
  • Invite type- public, WCU community, invite only
  • 3 event date preferences
  • 3 event location preferences 
  • Additional venue/meeting locations for event
  • Possibility for contracted performers (student events)
  • Possibility for charging admission (student events)

What spaces does this include?

This process includes the larger spaces in Sykes Student Union: Ballroom, Theater, 10A & 10B, and 115. There is also an opportunity to reserve additional spaces for events that may require multiple spaces, such as conferences or major events.

What dates are we making reservations for?

This process is designed to make reservations for events from July 1, 2024 through June 30, 2025.

When is the Advance Reservation period?

The RamConnect form will open on  Monday, February 19, 2024 at 8:00 am – Friday, February 23, 2024 at 4:30 pm.

How do I submit my Advance Reservation requests?

We will provide a link to a form on RamConnect that will open at 8:00 am on February 20.

Check the FAQ above for all details you will need to have ready to submit your form.

Who can participate in Advance Reservations?

All student organizations who have registered for the current academic year and all university departments.

I’ve never submitted an Advance Reservation form before but my event occurs every year, do I need to submit one?

Yes. All university departments and student organizations hosting large-scale, annual events should participate in the Advance Res process. If you miss the Advance Res period, there will be an opportunity after the process is complete to submit reservation requests. However, space may be limited.

How many date options can I submit per event?

Please submit three (3) preferred dates so that there are options in case conflicts arise.

My event is (insert event here) and we don’t know what dates we need yet. Can I submit holds and cancel them later?

No. To keep the process fair for everyone and due to limited event spaces, we will not allow for blanket venue holds. Instead, you must submit a request with a specific event in mind.

I haven’t decided what time my event is – can I hold the venue all day?

No. To ensure that as many people as possible get the space, we will not accept venue holds. You don’t need to give exact times but be as specific as possible.

I need multiple spaces within Sykes for my event – can I request more than one?

Yes! You can indicate that you need additional venue space on the form.

Can I request a setup/tear down/practice?

Yes!  If you require additional time, please include that information on the form. Please note that this is a request, and you are not guaranteed a setup/tear down/practice. Requests are processed as space allows.

I need to submit multiple events, can I put that on one form?

No. Please submit the form separately for each event.

It’s after the closing date and I forgot to submit my request! Can I still submit?

No. Requests submitted before or after the Advance Res period will not be accepted. Additional requests will have to wait until all Advance Reservation requests are confirmed. We will make an announcement on our website and social media accounts at that time (likely in early April).

I submitted my request, now what?

Thanks for submitting! You will receive a notification that your event was “received.” This is not a confirmation of space- simply an acknowledgment that we received your form.

Next, you will receive a separate confirmation indicating which space, date, and time you received at a later date. If we cannot accommodate your request, we will reach out to discuss additional options.

A written acceptance of tentative dates is required for all reservations. If an acceptance is not received for a venue reservation by five (5) business days from the date you receive your Advance Reservations confirmation, the tentative reservation will be cancelled, and the dates/times will be made available for other organizations and departments.

I didn’t get my first-choice date/venue!

Unfortunately, not everyone will get their first-choice date due to an increased number of events and a limited number of event venues on campus. While we make every effort to try to get you your first-choice date/venue – it is not always possible. 

How likely am I to get one of my top 3 choices?

We will do our best to place almost all reservation requests in one of their requested date/time blocks. 

When will I know if I got the space I requested?

After we process the requests and resolve any conflicts, we will work on notifications. Look for a confirmation sometime in late March – early April.

What does the tentative timeline look like?

  • Monday, February 19, 2024
    • Form goes live on RamConnect at 8:00 am
  • Friday, February 23, 2024
    • The form closes on RamConnect at 4:30 pm
  • Week of February 26, 2024
    • You should receive a notification that your request was received.
  • Week of March 4, 2024
    • Initial emails will be sent looking for organizations and departments to provide written acceptance of dates/times for events
  • Friday, March 25, 2024
    • All written acceptance is due to confirm events.
  • Week of April 5, 2024
    • Anyone that missed the Advance Reservation process will be able to submit requests for the following year