
Get Ahead as a New Student

Meet Your Adviser: All WCU students can view their faculty adviser from their myWCU homepage! Schedule an appointment with your adviser to learn more about your curriculum.

Join a Student Organization:

Know Your SGA: SGA represents student government association! This organization represents your interests and can assist you on your journey as a student.

Learn About Your Tutoring Options: The Learning Assistance & Resource Center (LARC) is your one-stop shop for tutoring and academic resources at 224 Lawrence Center.

Visit the Library: The Francis Harvey Green (FHG) Library can assist you in all your research, printing, and multi-media purposes as a student.

Apply for Scholarships: Make an appointment with Financial Aid to discuss scholarship opportunities—they can assist you in applying and finding new scholarships!

Invest in a Planner: As a college student, you may have to juggle numerous responsibilities! Grab a FREE planner from the LARC & transfer your important dates from syllabi into one central location.

Finding your Services

Office Location
Financial Aid, Bursar, & Registrar 25 University Ave
Learning Assistance Resource Center (LARC) 224 Lawarence Center
Center for Trans and Queer Advocacy Sykes 250
Lawrence A. Dowdy Multicultural Center 715 South New Street
Exploratory Studies 222 Lawrence Center

Services on Campus 


Bursar's Office aids students with financial questions, support, and payments. The Bursar’s Office offers information on billing, tuition & fees, direct deposits, and payment plans.

Counseling Center

Counseling & Psychological Center offers many services, such as individual consultations about personal problems, group meetings, and help with substance abuse. Students can call to make appointments and faculty/staff can call to ask for support with helping students. The WCU Counseling Center also has a new unique online service that is offered to WCU students.

The Humanity & Resiliency Project was developed by Counseling & Psychological Services to foster the resilience of West Chester University students, faculty, staff, and the overall campus community by encouraging connecting with each other through shared humanity or vulnerability.

Office of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Questioning, Ally Services

The Center for Trans and Queer Advocacy assists students in their gender identities, providing information, events, training, and a safe space. Faculty advisors should participate in Ally training to allow them to be the most effective supporters of their Trans and Queer advisees.

Financial Aid

Financial Aid Office offers information and answers questions about students' financial aid. Both students and advisors can learn important financial aid information from their series of helpful explanatory videos.

Multicultural Affairs

Multicultural Affairs (Lawrence A. Dowdy Multicultural Center) works to develop an inclusive and welcoming campus community. The department invests in diversity through offering a variety of events, clubs, and forums to prospective and current students.

Public Safety

Public Safety offers many services, such as police, parking services, residence hall security, crisis response, campus safety, and emergency preparedness.

Rams Eye View

Ram's Eye View (Student Handbook) produced by the Division of Student Affairs, provides information about student services on campus, student activities, university policies, and the West Chester community.

Sexual Misconduct Resources

Sexual Misconduct Resources are available to students who believe they may have been victimized sexually or have been accused of sexual misconduct. Advisors can consult these to inform their advisees of reporting requirements and campus processes for redress. Students should know that all faculty must report to the Office for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion any incidents of sexual misconduct (unless they were noted during a classroom discussion, in a writing assignment for a class, or as part of a University-approved research project). Please see either of these web pages to learn the offices where students can discuss this type of problem confidentially.

Student Assistance

Student Assistance provides assistance and support for students who are away from the campus for a minimum of three class days due to illness, personal or family emergencies. A note will be circulated to the student's professors advising the professor of the absence. The student is also encouraged to contact his/her professors to make arrangements on any missed work.

Student Health Center

Student Health Center & Services treats minor illness such as musculoskeletal injuries, urinary tract infections, asthma, respiratory infections, and gastro-intestinal illnesses. The staff also handles routine minor surgical conditions and provides allergy shots and immunizations. Gynecological services include pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections (STI) testing and contraceptive counseling. Wellness seeks to meet the diverse wellness needs of our student population through programming and education, direct support services for alcohol, tobacco, and other drug use, nutrition, and general wellness, as well as advocacy for survivors of sexual misconduct.