Cost Comparison

Universities Online/In Person/Hybrid Number of Credits Per Credit Rate Fees Total Credit Source Tuition Source
WCU online/in-person 46 $516.00 $154.46 $670.46 WCU Credit Source WCU Tuition Source
Drexel - MPH all options 56 $1,258 $280 $1,538 Drexel Credit Source Drexel Tuition Cost
Temple online/in-person/hybrid 42 $1,020/$975 Online $163 $1,183/$1,138 Online Temple Credit Source Temple Tuition Source
Penn State   42 $1,020 $78 $1,098 PSU Credit Source PSU Tuition Source
University of Pennsylvania all options *14 $1,551.33 $624 $2,175.33 UPenn Credit Source UPenn Tuition Source
LaSalle University in-person 48 $930 $335 $1,265 LaSalle Credit Source LaSalle Tuition Source
Arcadia University in-person 42 $810 $205 $1,015 Arcadia Credit Source Arcadia Tuition Source
Thomas Jefferson University in-person 45 $1,145 $31 $1,176 Jefferson Credit Source Jefferson Tuition Source

Students who will be utilizing financial aid can review their Cost of Attendance in order to review both billable and non-billable expenses.

*Credit Units (CU) are divided by 3 to roughly compare cost per credit.

There are 14 CU (credit units) required for completion of the degree. Each credit unit is equivalent to one course (1 CU = 1 course). The total cost of the program will vary slightly based on how many classes you plan on taking per semester (full-time students typically have two 3-credit semesters and two 4-credit semesters).

Unless noted, all fees are based on the in-class rate. Please note classes administered online typically have a different fee structure and could include different fee structures. 

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