Computer Science
Undergraduate Degrees
B.S. in Computer Science
B.S. in Computer Science
The Bachelor of Science in Computer Science at WCU prepares students for a career in the field of computer science and its applications, such as security, and/or additional study in computer science at the graduate level; a certificate in computer security is also available. Students can gain valuable on-the-job experience through an internship program with local industry or business. WCU's B.S. in Computer Science is one of a small percentage of Computer Science programs that are accredited by ABET.
Certificate in Computer Security
Certificate in Computer Security
The Computer Science Department and the Certificate in Computer Security is certified by NSA for the quality of its cyber-security education. It is possible to graduate with both the B.S. in Computer Science and Certificate in Computer Security without extending the time needed for your degrees, and without taking additional courses.

The Computer Science Department administers two minor degree programs: the Minor in Computer Science, and the Minor in Information Technology. These programs are only for individuals who are outside of the computer science major.
Accelerated 5-Year BS/MS
Accelerated 5-Year BS/MS
WCU and the Computer Science Department offer a five-year accelerated BS+MS program, where students are able to take up to four graduate courses during their undergraduate careers and have them be credited for both their undergraduate and graduate degrees.