WCU Student Collage

Get Started: Get Involved!

Attend an upcoming campus event and join a club or org. There are plenty of them here at WCU.

Upcoming Events

Get your planners out! It’s going to be a busy semester!

COllage of WCU Students


From tutoring to counseling, fitness to peer mentors; there are hundreds of resources here for you. You just need to know where to look…Look:

WCU Resources & Supports


Being a college student is a big deal and we know you have questions. Here’s how to ask:

Live Q&A on @WCUofPA’s Instagram Stories Student Ombuds Student Success Coordinators Academic Advisors
WCU Student Events
WCU Campus Map


Your campus is 403-acres. Yep, that’s big. Check out these resources to acclimate to your campus.

Campus Map Virtual Campus Tour WCU View From Above

See you soon, Golden Rams!

Collage of WCU Events