Tutoring News
- The average cumulative grade point average for our tutors is a 3.71.
- The LARC employs and trains 90-105 tutors each semester for a variety of subject areas.
- Tutoring registration numbers have increased 51% in the past two years.
- As of April 1, 2016, 1642 tutoring sessions were requested and 1,367 students were registered for tutoring.
Did you know that WCU is now offering FREE Online Tutoring through Smarthinking? Tutors are trained to provide high quality learning assistance to your students, up to 24 hours a day, 7 days a week!
Smarthinking provides students with convenient and effective tutoring, for many different subject areas. Have a student in need? In addition to traditional tutoring, encourage your student to try Smarthinking.
The Smarthinking service includes drop-in tutoring, writing/essay review & practice, and video tutorials. The service is free for all West Chester students. The service is cross-platform and only requires an internet connection and a web-browser.
The online tutors are professional educators and experts in their content areas. They focus on the needs of each student, in order to provide a student-centered, active learning experience.
See for yourself and view sample sessions for more information.
Faculty can access Smarthinking via D2L as instructed in the video under the Smarthinking tab on the Student page.
How to Recommend
Students applying to become a tutor will complete an online application form. Students should ask faculty for their permission first to put their name down as a recommender. Once the faculty member agrees, students can then complete the application; faculty will receive an email to a link to complete the online recommendation form.
If you have a student you would like to recommend to become a tutor, please email the Director, Dr. Jocelyn Manigo or the Assistant Director, Kaitlyn Crouse- Machcinski.