What are our values?

Science-based mental healthcare should be accessible to all those who need it.

Science and service are mutually informative.

We are stronger together.

How do we think about children, families, and community-engaged research?

We recognize that children exist in multi-layered social ecologies—they’re part of peer groups, families, classes, and communities. We believe that cooperation between these groups is essential in order to RAISE well-adjusted children and to help families who are contending with stress and psychological difficulties. Moreover, we believe that mental health care is a basic human right and that we have a responsibility to advance science-based mental health in ways that are accessible to the most underserved and vulnerable youth and families.

How did we get our name?

RAISE is an acronym (Research Advancing Implementation Science Equitably). This name was selected as a nod to the "Raising Bee," which is a tradition in which members of a community come together to create a new structure or to rebuild collectively after a structure has been damaged or destroyed. Here in the RAISE lab, we partner with community stakeholders to help youth and families build resilience and overcome obstacles. Our over-arching goal is to work cooperatively to promote science-based mental healthcare for youth and their families in community settings.

What exactly do we do?

Our work takes many forms. We are researchers who are interested in understanding how treatment works best in the community. We are also practitioners who use evidence-based practices to provide direct services to youth and families. We work with community partners to provide evaluation, consultation, and direct clinical services.

For more information on current or past projects, please see our "Projects" page.

whole lab


Are you interested in collaborating with us or joining the lab as a research assistant? Please e-mail our P.I., Dr. Stevie Grassetti, at: SGrassetti@wcupa.edu or call (610) 436-2751.