B.S. Chemistry Education:

The B.S. in Chemistry Education is NCATE Accredited.

Our mission is to prepare a wide range of students to understand the material world. Our students are prepared to serve as chemical professionals (including teachers), to undertake advanced formal and informal study in chemistry and other subjects where chemical insight is central to basic understanding, and to advance the knowledge, capabilities and public understanding of chemistry as an academic discipline with application to virtually every facet of modern life.

Student learning outcomes:

  1. Fundamental knowledge of biological sciences and of mathematics
  2. Knowledge of pedagogical theories
  3. Reflective practitioners and life-long learners
  4. Diverse student populations
  5. Chemistry content
  6. Pedagogy
  7. Laboratory
  8. Student successes in diverse learning communities


1st Year

Course Abbreviation Course Number Course Name Credits
CHE 103 General Chemistry I 3
CRL 103 Exp. Gen. Chem. I 1
MAT 161 Calculus I 4
WRT 120 Effective Writing I 3
PSY 100 Intro to Psychology2 3
CHE 104 General Chemistry II 3
CRL 104 Exp. Gen. Chem. II 1
MAT 162 Calculus II 4
EDP 250 Educational Psychology 3
SPK   Communication Studies3 3
WRT   Writing Course 3

2nd Year


Course Abbreviation Course Number Course Name Credits
CHE 231 Organic Chemistry I 4
CRL 231 Exp. Org. Chem. I 2
CHE 321 Analytical Chemistry I 3
CRL 321 Exp. Analyt. Chem. I 2
PHY 170 Physics I 4
CHE 232 Organic Chemistry II 3
CRL 232 Exp. Org. Chem. II 2
PHY 180 Physics II 4
EDA 103 Fnd. of Special Ed. 3
EDF 300 Democracy and Education4 3
LIT 165 Intro to Literature1 3

3rd Year

Course Abbreviation Course Number Course Name Credits
CHE 341 Physical Chemistry I 4
CRL 341 Exp. Phys. Chem. I 2
CHE 418 Chemical Information 1
EDA 304 Sp. Ed. Proc./Proc. Gen. Ed. 3
PHI 180 Intro to Ethics1 3
GEd   Arts 3
CHE 411 Adv. Inorganic Chem. 3
BIO 110 General Biology 3
EDS 306 Pri. Teach & Fld. Exp.6 3
EDR 347 Lit. Dev. & 2° Stds. w/ Dis. 3
GEd   Student Elective 3
GEd   Student Elective 3

4th Year

Course Abbreviation Course Number Course Name  Credits
CHE 476 Biochemistry I 3
CHE 491 Chemistry Seminar 1
SCE 350 Sci. Ed. Sec. School6,7 3
LAN 382 Teaching English Lan. Lrnrs.5 3
GEd   B/SS (2) 3
GEd   Student Elective 3
EDS 411 Student Teaching6 6
EDS 412 Student Teaching6 6
B. S. Chemistry Education Advising Sheet for students admitted to the major prior to fall 2019

Program Notes:

  • 1Counts as a humanities general education elective
  • 2Counts as a behavioral/social science general education elective
  • 3SPK 208 or SPK 230 may be taken
  • 4Fulfills the Interdisciplinary requirement
  • 5Fulfills the Diverse Communities requirement
  • 6Students must be formally admitted to teaching education before enrolling in these classes.
  • 7SCB 350 may be taken in place of SCE 350
  • *PAPA Test (Reading, Writing, Math) (must be passed prior to formal admission to teacher education)
  • *PRAXIS Chemistry Content Test (must be taken before student teaching and must be passed before graduation)
  • *Department Safety Examination (must be passed before taking EDS 411-412)
  • *Copy of Certification Test scores submitted to Dr. Townsend
  • *Copy of Final Project from CRL 321 submitted to Dr. Townsend