Residency for Military
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To support our US active-duty Military and Veterans and to comply with PA Act 14 (2023), WCU will extend in-state tuition to the following populations regardless of VA education benefit eligibility:
- All US Veterans (including spouses and dependents) regardless of state of residency,
- Active-duty military (including spouses and dependents) who are stationed in Pennsylvania and lives in Pennsylvania, and
- Any civilian who works on at Department of Defense facility stationed in Pennsylvania
and live in Pennsylvania (including spouses and dependents).
In-state tuition rates apply to all courses and program, regardless of modality (in-person, hybrid, or distance education). Students are responsible for the associated fees for their program and/or courses.
According to WCU policy, your residency status may require you to supply extra documentation to ensure you receive the proper, in-state tuition benefits.
How Do I Provide Proof of Residency for In-State Tuition Benefits?
Please visit the Greg and Sandra Weisenstein Veterans Center Benefits section on Eligibility for PA In-State Tuition Benefits for all required documentation and contact information.