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Morgan Gottel

- Hometown
"Holland, PA"
- What year are you, and what is your major?
"I am a senior. My major is Professional Studies with an Adapted PE minor and Deaf
Studies Minor"
- What is your career goal?
"I would love to work in adapted recreation facilities, as well as Paralympic Training
- How has WCU prepared you for that?
"Being involved in the APE minor has opened doors that I never knew existed, or that
I never knew I wanted to walk through. I am making Adapted recreation my life because
of it."
- Is there anyone at WCU who has been especially helpful or inspirational to you?
"Dr. Monica Lepore, Dr. Kat Ellis, Dawn Adler, Maria Lepore- Stevens, and all of the
athletes in the adapted programs."
- Is there a highlight from your time at WCU that you'd like to share?
"My first time at Camp Abilities PA (a sports camp for blind/visually impaired athletes)
was when I really became hooked on adapted sports. I loved seeing the progress the
athletes made over the weekend, and seeing how to adapt sports for athletes who are
blind/visually impaired."
- What makes you most proud to be graduating from WCU?
"I am proud of everything I have accomplished over my time here. I have been involved
in many adapted recreation programs and I feel that it has prepared me for my future."
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