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Julie Funk

- Current City
"Honey Brook, Pennsylvania"
- Area of Study
"Public Health"
- Graduation Year
"BS in Public Health 1980 and MS in Public Health 1988"
- Current Occupation
"Director Community Health and Wellness at Chester County Hospital. I have also become
a registered dietitian and certified diabetes educator along the way, so in this position
I oversee three areas of the hospital involved in preventive health and disease self
- Why did you choose WCU?
"From an early time in my life, I have maintained a passion for preventive health.
The pubic health major with a concentration in program planning felt like a perfect
It for me. It provided the background to work in areas where I could plan health education
and health promotion programs in the community. This decision was apparently a good
one because all these years later, this is exactly what I am doing and I still retain
that same passion! Being able to impact directly on the health and well-being of another
person has tremendous professional and personal reward."
- Did you complete an internship while at WCU?
"Yes. As an undergraduate, I completed an internship at the Chester County Health
Department where I had the chance to plan and implement a health education program
for pregnant teens still in school, and also learn the vast work of this agency. In
my work today, I work closely with the health department on many projects."
- Advice for graduating seniors in your field?
"One thing I have learned is that in one way or another, everything you learn and
experience becomes purposeful. It may not be in that exact moment, but at some later
time you will Ind a use. Be open to all new experiences and opportunities and stay
on the path to get to where you want to be."
- Is there anything you would do differently?
"No, I really don't think so. Though I later became a registered dietitian and that
required additional course work and internships, I always kept my public health "hat"
on and that helped guide and shape the course of my career."
- Best memory of your time at WCU?
"My best memory incorporates all the amazing individuals I have added to my life as
a result of my time at WCU. Many continue to be close friends and respected colleagues
I work with today. WCU will always hold a special place in my heart, and be the place
to which I attribute my professional success and happiness."
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