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Hannah Derreth
- Current City
"Las Vegas, NV"
- Area of Study
"Athletic Training"
- Graduation Year
- Current Occupation
"Athletic Trainer at Cirque du Soleil in Las Vegas"
- Why did you choose WCU?
"I chose WCU for its athletic training program. The curriculum and clinical education
process is unmatched and it allowed me the time to engage in other extra curricular
activities at the university when I first started college. Not to mention the staff
is incredibly knowledgeable and some of the most skilled in our field. "
- Advice for graduating seniors in your field?
"Don't put yourself in a box. Take advantage of any opportunity that may come your
way. Athletic training is so unique in the sense that you can do your job in a variety
of different settings. Don't be afraid to change your environment to challenge your
skills and grow."
- Is there anything you would do differently?
"I don't think so - my education and the people I've met and networked with got me
to where I am today and I am infinitely grateful for it."
- Best memory of your time at WCU?
"I have endless memories from my time at WCU. But I have to say the Athletic Training
Program Golf Outing will always be one of my fondest. Always such a great time! "
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