Dale Rebhan Gregore

Dale Rebhan Gregore

  • Current City
    "Wilmington, DE"
  • Area of Study
    "Communication Sciences and Disorders"
  • Graduation Year
  • Current Occupation
    "Program Manager, Speech Pathology and Clinical Instructor"
  • Why did you choose WCU?
    "Reputation: West Chester has always been regarded as a leading academic education institution for educators in training. I knew I wanted to teach. Finding the field of Speech Pathology was a perfect combination of one-on-one interaction that combined counseling, education and training. And to be honest, the marching band was another big draw having spent many years instructing in that field before and after WCSC (West Chester State College)."
  • Did you complete an internship while at WCU?
    "At that time, just onsite and offsite clinical practicums from West Chester to Doylestown, PA"
  • Advice for graduating seniors in your field?
    "Knowing that a masters' degree is next step, look for a school with variety of settings, instructors and placements. The field of speech pathology is ever evolving. Your undergrad and grad experiences are the foundations for your career. Be inquisitive; join activities; do research; stretch yourself; volunteer; collaborate now with your Health Science peers for you will be working with them in the future."
  • Is there anything you would do differently?
    "I wish I was introduced to, or had common classes with, other Health Sciences fields to help broaden my understanding of the breadth of each major. I now encourage interdepartmental education, simulations and research, to prepare staff and students to work with fellow health disciplines."
  • Best memory of your time at WCU?
    "My first year, on 9th floor Wayne Hall and the Communication Disorders department was on 2nd floor Wayne Hall. The classrooms were in the basement. Taking the stairs down to class, no jacket (or sometimes shoes) required. Working with Dr. Stigora and returning years later (to Carter Drive) as a clinical instructor was like coming full circle."
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