MSW Faculty

Ginneh Akbar head shot

Ginneh L. Akbar, MSW, DSW, LSW
Program Director
Department Chair
Associate Professor

  • Child welfare social work
  • Social work and social media

"It's my charge to make my personal and professional time relevant and significant. West Chester is a good place for that because the school's values align well with my teaching philosophy. WCU genuinely cares, and it comes through in every facet of student interaction."

Alison Neff

Alison Updyke Neff, MSW, DSW, LSW
Graduate Coordinator and Assistant Department Chair
Associate Professor

  • Mass Incarceration & Prison Industrial Complex
  • Organizational theory
  • Harm reduction
  • Practice areas: reentry support, medical social work, child welfare, mental health

A photo of Todd Vanidestine

Todd Vanidestine, MSW, MHR, PhD
Assistant Professor

  • Racial & ethnic health inequities
  • Anti-racism and anti-oppression social work
  • Community organizing & organizations

“…experiencing interpersonal, institutional, and systemic injustices can often minimize the rich lessons found in our lived experiences. We often need to create supportive and liberated spaces, such as a classroom learning community, where we can gently remind each other of those inherent insights and our collective humanity. Doing so requires a mixture of relationship building, critical thinking, humility and accountable power sharing. And this is as much for me as it is for the people sharing the class experience with me because to be a good teacher, I must be a better learner.” 

Casey Bohrman

Casey Bohrman, MSW, PhD
Special Assistant to the Dean for Social Work
Associate Professor

  • Critical Participatory Action Research
  • Intersections between the mental health and criminal legal systems
  • Carceral logics in the social work profession
  • Motivational Interviews
  • Practice areas: mental health, housing, crisis services, and motivational interviewing

"What I love most about being a social work educator is that I never stop learning. My students constantly inspire me. Together we learn constantly new things from each other."

Page Buck

Page Walker Buck, MSS, PhD, LSW
Assessment Chair

  • Veterinary social work
  • The human-animal dynamic
  • Traumatic brain injury

"The first day I drove into the parking lot of my MSW program, I knew I was home. It was exactly where I belonged and has been so ever since."

 Wan-Yi Chen

Wan-Yi Chen, MSW, MPhil, PhD

  • Children and adolescents
  • Victimization experiences and reaction to trauma
  • Environmental impact in the person, family, and community

"As much as I enjoyed working in the field, I realized very early on that I could make a bigger impact as a professor; as a professor I could develop programs and set the pace for future social workers."

Christina Chiarelli-Helminiak

Christina Chiarelli-Helminiak, MSW, PhD

  • Organizational factors that affect job satisfaction and burnout
  • Integration of human rights in social work curricula
  • Immigrant civic engagement
  • Children's and women's rights

"In order to live together as a global society that appreciates peace, we must become aware of what limits peace."

Pier Cicerelle

Pier Cicerelle, LSW, MSW, DSW
Assistant Professor
Curriculum Chair

  • Social work practice in medical settings
  • Social Determinants of Health, ACEs, and Trauma-informed care
  • Educational gag orders and academic freedom
  • Inclusivity, representation, and social justice issues within the LGBTQ+ community including LGBTQ+ healthcare

"The educator has the duty of not being neutral" - Paulo Freire

Meagan Corrado  Headshot

Meagan Corrado , DSW, LCSW
Assistant Professor
Graduate Coordinator of the Graduate Certificate in School Social Work

  • Trauma narratives
  • Trauma-informed practice
  • Clinical social work with urban youth
  • Arts-based approaches

"Where there are stories of trauma, there are also stories of strength and resilience. As social workers, we can provide strengths-based, trauma-informed support to clients, communities, and systems in a way that acknowledges barriers while also making space for resilience and hope."

Linda Ello

Linda Ello, MSW, PhD, LCSW
Associate Professor

  • Mental Health  
  • Gerontology 
  • Child Welfare 
  • Family Therapy  
  • Research 
  • Social Work Education 
  • Play Therapy and Other Expressive Therapies 
  • Psychotherapy with Individuals and Couples

Erin Hipple

Erin Hipple, MA, MSW, PhD, LCSW

  • Relational and liberation-based theories, praxes, and pedagogies
  • Critical eating dis/order Studies
  • Therapy as political
  • Fat + body liberation
  • Trauma therapy
  • Somatics
  • LGBTQIA+ identity development and resilience
  • Social worker labor rights
  • Human sexuality
  • Social work and pop culture

“The classroom remains the most radical space of possibility in the academy.” -bell hooks 

Nia Johnson Headshot

Nia Johnson, Ph.D., LMSW
Assistant Professor

  • Professional Identity
  • Interdisciplinary collaboration in social work education and health awareness
  • Job satisfaction
  • Qualitative Research

“I believe that everyone deserves to live their absolute best life, and I’m committed to dismantling the barriers that interfere with that. The Social Work profession affords me diverse avenues to tackle those barriers.”

Angela Lavery

Angela Lavery, MSW, PhD, LCSW, FT
Graduate Coordinator of the Graduate Certificate in Gerontology

  • Gerontology, Aging and Ageism
  • End of Life Care and Grief/Bereavement Support
  • Animal Assisted Interventions and Interactions
  • Disability and Ableism
  • Elder Abuse and Neglect

“I am passionate about recruiting students for the field of Aging Services and Gerontological Social Work. Every time I step onto campus and into the classroom, I am reminded of how grateful I am to work with such dedicated students and colleagues committed to social justice and human rights.”

Kerrie Ocasio

Kerrie Ocasio, MSW, PhD
Associate Professor

  • Help-seeking and engagement in social services
  • Foster care services and well-being outcomes
  • Racial disparities in child welfare
  • Implementation Science informed evaluations
  • Practice-based service evaluation

"I'm thrilled to work in a department that consciously and deliberately works to support the students, while also providing them with a high-quality education that will prepare them to be leaders in the social work field."


Julie Tennille

Julie Tennille, MSW, PhD, LSW
Associate Professor

  • Motivational Interviewing
  • Role of intimacy and sexuality in mental health recovery
  • HIV
  • Field education and pedagogical models to enhance workforce competence

"As a gay kid growing up in the 1970s and 80s, I learned a lot about what it was like to be an outsider. I've always connected to outsider identities. This led me to my profession and continues to shape the way I see the world and the depths of oppression and privilege that go unexplored."


MSW Adjunct Faculty


Adjunct Faculty
Melissa Berlin
Shenise Henderson
Kenneth Johnson
Biany Pérez
Christine Serowsky
Layna Smith

MSW Staff

Melissa Berlin headshot

Melissa Berlin, MSW
Practicum Director, West Chester
Adjunct Faculty

"It is an absolute honor to be able to fulfill my life purpose and mission by working with the next generation of social workers at West Chester University!"

Layna headshot

Layna Smith, MSS, LSW
Practicum Director, Philadelphia
Adjunct Faculty

“It is a pleasure supporting students in becoming the best social workers possible and even more rewarding to do it within an amazing department here at West Chester University!”

Headshot of Mollie Zenz

Mollie Zenz, M.Ed.
Assistant Director of Data and Program Administration
Program Coordinator

"...for growth to occur, a person needs a balanced amount of challenge and support as appropriate for the task. In addition, a person must be ready, physically and psychologically, in order to grow.” -Nevitt Sanford

Stacey Raker Headshot

Stacey Raker
Department Coordinator