Presentations & Publications

Many of these presentations are formatted by propriatary programs for which free viewers are available.

Stant, K. (2010). Team Roles in an Electronic Collaborative Learning Environment . Unpublished manuscript, West Chester University.

Treadwell, T., Ashcraft, D., Corsi, A., Conn, J., Fox, S. & LaVerghetta,A. (2009). Team Communication Patterns During The Tuckman's Stages of Group Development . Presented at Resources for the Electronic Classroom (RECAP) Conference, West Chester University, West Chester, PA.

Custer, K., Corsi, A., Conn, J., Fox, S. & LaVerghetta,A. (2009). CORAL: Collaborative on-line research and learning . Presented at Psychology Club, West Chester University, West Chester, PA.

Treadwell, T., Ashcraft, D., Corsi, A., Conn, J., Fox, S. & LaVerghetta,A. (2009). Team Communication Patterns During The Tuckman's Stages of Group Development . Presented at Eighth Annual Research Consortium, West Chester University, West Chester, PA.

Treadwell, T., Ashcraft, D., Stant, K. & Custer, K. (2009). Team Roles in an Electronic Collaborative Learning Environment . Presented at Resources for the Electronic Classroom (RECAP) Conference, West Chester University, West Chester, PA.

Treadwell, T., Ashcraft, D., Stant, K. & Custer, K. (2009). Team Roles in an Electronic Collaborative Learning Environment . Presented at Eighth Annual Research Consortium, West Chester University, West Chester, PA.

Ashcraft, D. & Treadwell, T. (2008). The social psychology of on-line collaborative learning: The good, the bad, and the awkward. In Orvis, K.. & Lassiter, A. (Eds.), Computer Supported Collaborative Learning: Best Practices and Principles for Instructors . (pp. 140-163). Hershey, Pennsylvania: Idea Group Publishing Co.

Treadwell, T., Ashcraft, D., Cipriano, D., Locke, L., & Unks, K. (2008). On-Line Collaborative Communication patterns that evolve in on line learning environments . Presented at Resources for the Electronic Classroom (RECAP) Conference, West Chester University, West Chester, PA.

Treadwell, T., Ashcraft, D.,Stevick, Teeter, T. Keen, F (2008). Group cohesion in collaborative on-line learning environments environments . Presented at Resources for the Electronic Classroom (RECAP) Conference, West Chester University, West Chester, PA.

Treadwell,T., Ashcraft, D. Wonsock, G. Custer, K.Cain T. (2008). Role predictions based on on-line communication patterns . Presented at Resources for the Electronic Classroom (RECAP) Conference, West Chester University, West Chester, PA.

Wonsock, G. Custer, K.Cain T. (2008). CORAL: Collaborative on-line research and learning . Presented at Psychology Club, West Chester University, West Chester, PA.

Treadwell,T., Wonsock, G. Custer, K.Cain T. (2008). Social psychology: On-line collaborative learning communication patterns . Presented at Research Day Department of Psychology, West Chester University, West Chester, PA.

Treadwell, T., Ashcraft, D., Wonsock, G., Custer, K.,& Cain, T. (2008). Communication patterns in on-line research and learning . Presented at the 7th Annual Research Consortium at West Chester University, Sykes Ballroom, March, 2008, West Chester, Pennsylvania.

Treadwell, T., Ashcraft, D., Pierdomenico, C., Karsoic, L., Cain, T., Ross, A., Link, C., Troxel, R.,Teeter, T. & Shuttlesworth, M. . (2007). The Social Psychology of Collaborative On-line Research and Learning: Four Stages of Collaborative Electronic Group Maturity . Paper and DVD Presented at the 6th Annual Research Consortium at West Chester University, Sykes Ballroom, March 29, 2007, West Chester, Pennsylvania.

Treadwell, T., Ashcraft, D., Pierdomenico, C., Karsoic, L., Cain, T., Ross, A., Link, C., Troxel, R.,Teeter, T. & Shuttlesworth, M. . (2007). The Social Psychology of Collaborative On-line Research and Learning: Four Stages of Collaborative Electronic Group Maturity . Presented at Research Day Department of Psychology, West Chester University, West Chester, PA.

Treadwell, T., Ashcraft, D. (2007). Using collaborative on-line teaching effectively . Pennsylvania Educational Technology Exposition & Conference (PETE&C) in Hershey, PA - February 12-13.

Sevick, S, Ashcraft, D., Treadwell, T. (2007). Attitudes Toward Group Work in On-Line Course vs Traditonal Course . Presented at Resources for the Electronic Classroom (RECAP) Conference, West Chester University, West Chester, PA.

Treadwell, T., Ashcraft, D. Teeter, T. & Ritchie, K. (2006). Peer Mentor Roles in a Collaborative On-line Research and Learning (CORAL) Course . Compass: A Magazine for Peer Assistance, Mentorship and Coaching. 18 (1), 37-47.

Treadwell, T., Ashcraft, D., Pierdomenico, C., Calvier,A,. Shuttlesworth, M. . (2006). The CORAL model – Collaborative On-Line Research and Learning . Presented at Research Day Department of Psychology, West Chester University, West Chester, PA.

Treadwell, T., Ashcraft, D., Pierdomenico, C., Calvier, A,. Shuttlesworth, M.Cross, H., & Rambo, C.. (2006). Collaboration - One Path To The Learning Paradigm: Peer Mentors Perspective on the Collaborative Process . Presented at Resources for the Electronic Classroom (RECAP) Conference, West Chester University, West Chester, PA.

Treadwell, T., Ashcraft, D.,Zahner, J. (2006) The Role of Vygotsky's Sociocultural Theory in Collaborative on line Research and Learning (CORAL) Classroom: A Student’s Perspective . Presented at Resources for the Electronic Classroom (RECAP) Conference, West Chester University, West Chester, PA.

Treadwell, T., Ashcraft, D. (2006). The CORAL model –Workshop on the Social Psychology of Collaborative On-line Learning . Presented at Cheyney University, March 23, 2006.

Treadwell, T., Ashcraft, D. (2006).  TheCORAL model –Workshop on the Social Psychology of Collaborative On-line Learning . Presented at West Chester University, March 24, 2006.


Treadwell, T., Ashcraft, D (2005). Integrating Course Topics with Inter-site On-line Communities . Presented at 11th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, Las Vegas, Nevada, July 2005.

Treadwell, T., Ashcraft, D. (2005). A pedagogy for collaborative on-line research and learning: The CORAL model. National society for experimental education quaterly 30 (1), 10-17.

Treadwell, T., Ashcraft, D., Avery, H., Ritchie, K., Teeter, T. (2005). The CORAL model – Collaborative On-Line Research and Learning . Presented at Resarch Day Department of Psychology, West Chester University, West Chester, PA.

Treadwell, T., Ashcraft, D., Avery, H., Ritchie, K., Teeter, T. (2005). The CORAL model – Project guides perspective . Presented at Resources for the Electronic Classroom (RECAP) Conference, West Chester University, West Chester, PA.

Ashcraft, D., Treadwell, T., Teeter, T., Allen, E., Avery, H., Teed, J., & Bremner, D. (2004, April). Using Technology to provide collaborative and constructivist student experiences . Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Penn State Teaching and Learning Consortium, Harrisburg, PA.

Treadwell, T., Ashcraft, D. M. (2004). Using Technology to Provide Collaborative and Constructivist Student Experiences . Presented at the Annual Conference for the Advancement of College Teaching and Learning: Learning and Assessement: Making a Connection. Dixon University Center, Harrisburg, Pa. March 2004.

Treadwell, T., Ashcraft, D., Avery, H., & Bremner, D. (2004). The CORAL model – Collaborative On-Line Research and Learning. Presented at Resources for the Electronic Classroom (RECAP) Conference, West Chester University, West Chester, PA.

Treadwell, T., Ashcraft, D. M. (2003). CORAL: Collaborative Online Research and Learning . Presented at RECAP (Resources for the Electronic Classroom A Faculty-Student Partnership) Higher Education Technology Conference, West Chester University, West Chester PA.

Ashcraft, D., Treadwell, T., Mc, Veigh, K. A., & Edmiston, P. (2003). Using technology and peer project guides to promote constructivist learning . Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Eastern Psychological Association, Baltimore, MD.

Treadwell, T., Ashcraft, D. M.,Marin, K.(2003). Using On-line Collaboration and Peer Project Guides to Encourage Constructivist Learning . Presented at Resources for the Electronic Classroom (RECAP) Conference, West Chester University, West Chester, PA. (1.3 MB) A Powerpoint presentation.

Treadwell, T., Ashcraft, D., Kumar, K, Edmiston, P.,& McVeigh, K. A. (2002, June). Using technology in the classroom to promote collaborative and active learning: CORAL. Poster presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Society, New Orleans, LA.

Treadwell, T., Ashcraft, D. M. (2002). The CORAL Model . Presented at The State System of Higher Education Conference, Dixon University, Harrisburg, Pa. [ppt SlideShow]

Treadwell, T., Ashcraft, D. M. Geddes, J.Marin, K. Emala C. & Teeter T. (2002). 8 Ways Project Guides Provoke Learning Presentation . RECAP (Resources for the Electronic Classroom A Faculty-Student Partnership) Higher Education Technology Conference at West Chester University on May 17, 2002. (1.5 MB Powerpoint file)

Treadwell, T., Ashcraft, D. M. (2002). CORAL Presented at The Annual Conference for the Advancement of College Teaching and Learning , Harrisburg, PA. March 22, 2002. (1.8 MB Powerpoint file).

Treadwell, T., Ashcraft, D. M, Edmiston, P., McVeigh, K. A., Kumar, V. K. (2001). Eliminating Common Problems in Distance Education: The CORAL Model. Poster presented at The Computers in Psychology Conference, Orlando, FL.

Barimani, A., Treadwell, T., Ashcraft, D. M. (2001, May). Integrating technology into the classroom. Invited open forum presented at the Resources for the Electronic Classroom (RECAP) Conference, West Chester, PA.

Hicks, K., Treadwell, T., Ashcraft, D. M., Reed, M., Camuso, M., & Spaid, J. (2001, May). Pros and Cons of Video Conferencing. Invited panel discussion presented at the Resources for the Electronic Classroom (RECAP) Conference, West Chester, PA.

Treadwell, T., Ashcraft, D. M., Reed, M., Camuso, M., & Spaid, J. (2001, May). CORAL: A student faculty partnership. Invited keynote address presented at the Resources for the Electronic Classroom (RECAP) Conference, West Chester, PA.

Chamberlin, J. (2000, April). One psychology project, three states. Monitor on Psychology, 31(4), p. 58 – 59.

Treadwell, T.W., Mittan, R., Leach, E.A., Kellar, H., & Lewis, R.. (1998). Collaborative Teaching and Research Over the Internet. Journal of Management Education 22 , 4 498-508.

Treadwell, T., Ashcraft, D. M. (2000). The Collaborative Learning Environment: Integrating Smartboards and Videotechnology in the Classroom. (PDF Format) A handout for the APA 2000 Conference .

Treadwell, T., Ashcraft, D.A (2000). Model for Interactive Collaborative Teaching Over the Internet: Grant Report submitted to Community of Agile Partners in Education (CAPE), June 2000.

Treadwell, T., Ashcraft, D. M. (2000). Collaborative Online Research and Learning . Presented at The American Psychological Association Annual Conference, Washington, D.C. (1.3 MB Powerpoint file).

Treadwell, T., Ashcraft, D. M., Mittan, B., Edmiston, P. Arsenault, P., Barimani, A., McVeigh, K. A. (2000, November). The classroom of the future: Use of the Internet videoconferencing and SMARTBoards in inter-site collaborative student projects. Poster presented at the World Conference on the WWW and Internet, San Antonio, TX.

Treadwell, T., Arsenault, P., Ashcraft, D., Edmiston, P., Barimani, A., Mittan, B. (2000, October).Collaborative Research and Teaching Using On-line and Videoconferencing Technology: An On-line Videoconference Workshop from Three Sites - Pennsylvania, Wyoming and Maine with On-line Web-Based Chat from Georgia . Invited workshop presented at the annual meeting of Community of Agile Partners in Education (CAPE), Harrisburg, PA.

Treadwell, T., Ashcraft, D. M., Mittan, B., Edmiston, P., Beaver, R., McVeigh, K. A., Arsenault, P., & Barimani, A. (2000, August). The collaborative learning environment: Integrating SMARTBboards and videotechnology in the classroom. Invited Interactive poster presented at the annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, Washington, D.C.

Treadwell, T., Barimani, A., Ashcraft, D., Arsenault, P., McVeigh, K. A., Edmiston, P., Mittan, B., Sherman, J., Frederick, J., & Thompson, N. (2000, March). A Pedagogy for Collaborative Learning Over the Internet . Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Eastern Psychological Association, Baltimore, MD.

Treadwell, T., Mittan, B., Arsenault, P., Edmiston, P., Ashcraft, D., Boury, M., Lavertue, N., Barimani, A., & Beaver, R. Exploring innovations in collaborative pedagogy: Collaborative Inter-Class Teaching and Research Over the Internet. American Psychological Association, Boston, August 1999

Treadwell, T. (1999). Invited Address: "Teaching and Learning on the Internet: Web-Based Courses and Resources". Miniconvention on Education and Technology, American Psychological Association, Boston, August 1999.

Treadwell, T. (1999).Mini-Convention on Education and Technology. Presentation on Web-Based Courses and Resources. American Psycological Association, Boston, August 1999.

Coral History

Fundamentals -- What to Expect In A Collaborative Course - PPT SlideShow - Summer & Fall 99

1st Collaborative Conference 2000

Preliminary Video-Conference Results of 001Collaborative WCU-CUP-CC/WWY : Collaborative Inter-Class Teaching and Research Over the Internet 001Spring Semester Course - 2000 ppt SlideShow.

EDUCAUSE '99 Celebrating New Beginnings. Poster Presentation on Merging Information Technology and Collaborative Teaching, Learning and Research Over the Internet. EduCause99, Los Angeles, California 1999.

EDUCAUSE '99 Celebrating New Beginnings: Merging Information Technology and Collaborative Inter-Class Teaching and Research Over the Internet EduCause99 , Los Angeles, California October 1999 ppt SlideShow

EDUCAUSE '99 Celebrating New Beginnings Collaborative Inter-Class Teaching and Research Over the Internet EduCause99, Los Angeles California October, 1999

Collaborative Inter-Class Teaching & Research Model -- PPT Slide Show -- EduCom 98.

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