Introducing the new RAM Research Directory — a tool designed to connect researchers, help students find faculty mentors, and provide a listing for student research and creative activity opportunities (paid and unpaid) that are currently available.
GrantForward is a comprehensive database that contains more than 83,000 funding opportunities
covering more than 20,000 sponsors worldwide, providing the ability for WCU faculty,
students, and staff to identify grants to fund their research.
Find out more about GrantFoward
Contributing to the learning community and developing skills that lead to success
External Funding Amount Received for AY 2023/24
IRB submissions for AY 2023/24
AY 2023/24 Grant Funding Proposals Submitted
Our Mission
It is the mission of the West Chester University Office of Research and Sponsored Programs (ORSP) to facilitate, coordinate, and safeguard the institution’s research and creative activity enterprise. We enhance the university’s ability to be an educational and cultural resource for students, alumni, and citizens of southeastern Pennsylvania by providing faculty with:
- Information on funding opportunities from federal, state, and private‐sector sponsors.
- Proposal development support.
- Introduction to post-award policies and procedures.
- Incentives to form interdisciplinary teams.
- Incentives to develop intellectual property.
- Incentives to integrate research and creative activity into coursework.
We also promote undergraduate research and creative activity by facilitating faculty/student collaborations, organizing Research and Creative Activity Day, and managing awards for student work.
Who We Are
Cheryl Neale-McFall, PhD, LPC, NCC
Associate Provost for Research and Creative Activities
(610) 436-2432
Holly Jackson
Administrative Assistant
(610) 436-3557
Catherine Spaur
Grants Development Specialist
(610) 436‐3060
Supports Colleges of Arts & Humanities, Business & Public Management, and Education
& Social Work
Cara Williams
Grants Development Specialist
(610) 436-3064
Supports Colleges of Health Sciences and Sciences & Mathematics (except Political
Science, Psychology and Anthropology & Sociology)
Charles Graham
Post-Awards Grants Management Specialist
Lydia Adams
Graduate Research Assistant
Patricia Dixon
Graduate Research Assistant
Heather Leaman
IRB co-Chair
What We Do
- Provide resources and assistance for grant proposal development.
- Manage and monitor research and creative activity compliance.
- Support the formation of faculty interdisciplinary teams.
- Support the development of intellectual property.
- Support the integration of research and creative activity into coursework.
- Support faculty/student research collaboration.
ORSP Newsletters
Upcoming Grant Opportunities
The life cycle of a grant is divided into pre- and post-award; coordinated by two offices:
- Pre-award: All ORSP
- Post-award: ORSP and Finance & Business Services
All enrolled students were asked to participate in an Experiential Learning Survey & were asked the question:
Looking back, what was the highlight of your experiential learning – what impacted you the most?
Here are some of their answers:
“Having a close relationship with faculty that allowed me to learn firsthand how to conduct research at the graduate level.”
“I believe engaging in research with my professor help shaped who I am. They have pushed me past my boundaries to make me stronger in my field. From that experience, I feel like I have created a direct career goal and passion.”
“Research impacted me the most. I have mentors and peers who share the same interests and bringing academia to life was a life-changing opportunity.”