News & Events
SIOP Annual Conference
The 2017 SIOP Annual Conference was held on April 27-29th, 2017 at Walt Disney World Swan and Dolphin in Orlando, Florida. Dr. Mishra, Garret Kilmer and Monica Smullen presented their research on sexual harassment perceptions in the workplace at this conference.
The 2016 SIOP Annual Conference was held from April 14th to 16th 2016 at the Hilton Anaheim in Anaheim, USA. This event had several informative talks, networking opportunities, and invaluable professional development sessions - for both professionals and students! Our very own members of the WCU I/O Lab, Dr. Mishra and Marcus Bost Jr, presented at this conference.Join the country's top I/O psychologists.
Research Conferences
PaPC Psychology Conference – Millersville University
The 2017 PaPC Psychology Conference was held on October 27-28th at Millersville University, PA. Abigail Solomon presented Dr.Mishra’s research on brief mindfulness intervention on interview performance at this conference. The conference held several presentations for both students and faculty to learn about research across the PA state system.
Association for Psychological Science Conference
The Association for Psychological Science Conference was held on May 25-28 at Sheraton Boston Hotel in Boston, MA. This conference provides an opportunity to showcase research and scholarship by psychology faculty and students across various areas of psychology.
Rachel Grix presented a study on "Core Self-evaluations and student citizenship behaviors: Investigating the mediating role of Intrinsic Motivation" which she conducted with Dr. Mishra and Corinne Boyce.
Pennsylvania State System Psychology Conference
Pennsylvania State System Psychology Conference was held at Slippery Rock University on October 8, 2016. This conference provides an opportunity to showcase research and scholarship by psychology faculty and students across the state system and promotes awareness of faculty interests across the system. The conference includes presentations of retrospective, recently presented, and in-progress work from faculty and students in all areas of psychology, including the teaching of psychology.
Erica Stair presented her study on "Cultural values as predictors of Sexism" which she conducted with Dr. Mishra.
Adam Pezdirtz presented his study on "Effects of mindfulness practice on student attention in classroom" which he conducted with Dr. Mishra.
West Chester University Research Day
Fall 2016
The Fall 2016 Research Day will be held from on Wednesday, 2 November to Thursday, 3 November 2016 at the Sykes Student Union. Dr. Mishra and Jonathon Godwin will be presenting on the topic of Mindfulness in the workplace. Add it to your calendar!
Spring 2016
The Spring 2016 Research Day was held on Tuesday, 5 April 2016 and featured over 50 poster and 20 oral presentations, presented by faculty and students from all across campus. Additionally, 5 students received the Student Research and Creative Activities award. Each student presented their award winning research in a ceremony held in the Sykes Theatre. Two of our Masters I/O students Kelly Kozell and Marcus Bost Jr made presentations on University Research Day. Abstracts of all posters can be found in the program booklet here.
Psychology Student Research Day

The Psychology Research Day was held on Friday, April 15th from 2.00-4:30pm in Peoples!