Undergraduate Computer Science Courses

CSC Courses

Course Number Course Title Prerequisites Offerings

CSC 110

Fundamentals in Computer Science

(Satisfies GenEd Science Distributive Requirement)


Spring, Fall

CSC 112 

Programming & Data Science

(Satisfies GenEd Science Distributive Requirement)

  Spring, Summer, Fall
CSC 115

Introduction to Computer Programming

(Satisfies GenEd Science Distributive Requirement)


Spring, Fall

CSC 116

Gen Ed Science


Spring, Fall

CSC 141

Computer Science I

(Satisfies GenEd Science Distributive Requirement) 

(Distance Education offering may be available)


Spring, Summer, Fall

CSC 142 Computer Science II CSC 141  Spring, Summer, Fall
CSC 220 Foundations of Computer Science MAT 151, MAT 161 Spring, Fall
CSC 231 Computer Systems CSC 142 Spring, Fall
CSC 240 Computer Science III CSC 142 Spring, Fall
CSC 241 Data Structures and Algorithms CSC 240, MAT 151, MAT 161  Spring, Fall
CSC 242 Computer Organization CSC 142, MAT 151  
CSC 301

Computer Security & Ethics

(Satisfies GenEd “E” Ethics Requirement)

Three CSC, CST, or CSW courses  Spring, Fall
CSC 302 Computer Security CSC 301, CSC 335  Spring, Fall
CSC 317

Introduction to Digital Image Processing

(Distance Education offering may be available)

CSC240, MAT151, MAT161  Spring, Fall
CSC 321 Database Management Systems CSC 241 Spring, Fall
CSC 331 Operating Systems CSC 220, CSC 240, CSC 241 Fall
CSC 335 Data Communications and Networking I  CSC 240, CSC 241 Spring, Summer, Fall
CSC 336 Data Communications and Networking II CSC 335  
CSC 345 Programming Language Concepts and Paradigms CSC 220, CSC 241  Spring, Fall
CSC 400 Internship CSC 240, CSC 241 Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter
CSC 402 Software Engineering CSC 241 Spring, Fall
CSC 404 Software Engineering & Testing CSC 240, CSC 241 Spring, Fall
CSC 416 Design and Construction of Compilers CSC 220, CSC 240, CSC 241 Fall odd years
CSC 417 User Interfaces CSC 241 Spring
CSC 466 Distributed and Parallel Programming CSC 231 Fall
CSC 467 Big Data Engineering CSC 241 Fall
CSC 468

Introduction to Cloud Computing

CSC 231 Spring
CSC 471

Modern Malware Analysis

CSC 231 or CSC 242 Spring
CSC 472

Software Security

CSC 231 or CSC 242 Fall
CSC 476 Game Development CSC 241 Fall even years
CSC 481 Artificial Intelligence CSC 241  Spring
CSC 490

Independent Project

(Consent: Permission of the Department required to add.)

(Satisfies GenEd “W” Writing Emphasis Requirement)

CSC 220, CSC 241  Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter
CSC 495 Topics in Computer Science CSC 241 Summer
CSC 496 Topics in Complex Systems CSC 241  Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter
CSC 497 Topics in Computer Security CSC 241   
CSC 499

Independent Study in Computer Science

(Consent: Permission of the Department required to add.)

(Satisfies GenEd “W” Writing Emphasis Requirement)

CSC 241  Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter

CST Courses

Course Number Course Title Prerequisites  Offerings
CST 211 Security and Ethics in IT    
CST 221 Database Systems   Fall
CST 235 Network and System Administration   Spring

CSW Courses

Course Number Course Title Prerequisites Offerings
CSW 101 Introduction to Computers    
CSW 116 Computer Programming Laboratory    
CSW 131 Introduction to Web Design   Spring, Fall
CSW 315 Introduction to Web Programming CSW 131, CSC 115 Spring