Charlotte Mackey, EdD, RN


Degree School/University
Diploma in Nursing Lankenau Hospital School of Nursing (1983)
BSN Eastern College (1986)
MSN Widener University; Clinical Specialist - Burns, Emergency, Trauma (1988)
EdD Widener University - Higher Education (2002)

Professional Interests and Research Areas

  • Education of Adults - specifically RN’s returning for their Baccalaureate Degree
  • School Nursing
  • Complimentary Therapies - (Reiki, Hypnosis, Homeopathy)
  • Critical Care Nursing

Biographical Sketch

Dr. Charlotte Mackey joined the Department of Nursing in 1998. She has previously taught nursing students in both diploma and associate degree programs. She presently is Interim Assistant Dean for the College of Health Sciences. Her clinical background is in Critical Care, primarily cardiac and burn nursing. She is a member of American Assn. of Critical Care Nurses and the Southeastern PA Chapter of AACN, Sigma Theta Tau and American Nurses Association. She serves on the Board for the Neighborhood Health Agencies in West Chester. She recently defended her dissertation The Utilization of Adult Learning Principles among Faculty Teaching RNs Returning for their Baccalaureate Degree.

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