M.Ed. Applied Studies in Teaching and Learning
The Master of Education in Applied Studies in Teaching and Learning program gives experienced educators an opportunity to advance the knowledge and skills needed to be teacher-leaders within their profession. This program recognizes the value of experience; it has been developed to strengthen and deepen the practice of educators through coursework designed to emphasize reflection, collaboration, and classroom-based inquiry. This 30-credit program includes an 18-credit core requirement, a 6-credit area of focused inquiry, the development of a professional portfolio, and a six-credit, classroom-based inquiry project. The program is designed to foster inquiry in teachers’ daily work with children and adolescents. Teachers select topics of study in each course that are relevant to their own practice. In each class, teachers develop/refine research skills that they will utilize in their final course, Teacher as Researcher.
Teachers enrolled in the M.Ed. program work in various educational settings including Pre-Kindergarten, K-6th grade general and inclusive classrooms, 6th-12th grade content area classrooms including reading/language arts, science, mathematics, special education including gifted education, special areas including art, music, library, technology, and family consumer science, as well as cyber/online settings. M.Ed. students include practicing teachers from more than 40 school districts or teaching sites in PA and surrounding states.
Program Requirements
Applicants to the M.Ed. program must have a minimum of one year of teaching experience, allowing collegial conversations to focus on practice, issues of curriculum, instruction and student learning that are most pertinent to teachers in their daily work.
Program Outcomes
Initial Courses (6 credits)
EDE 554 The Reflective Teacher - Spring (blended)
EDE 532 Teaching-Learning: Theory to Practice - Fall Semester
Intermediate Courses (9 credits)
EDE 556 Developmental Perspectives on Learning & Teaching - Spring Semester
EDF 583 The American School as Social Narrative - Winter (blended)
EDE 563 Teachers as Leaders - Summer Session II (online)
Area of Focused Inquiry Courses (6 credits)
Courses in various departments will be available during various semesters.Options include: Literacy [EDR]; Special Education [EDA]; Educational Technology [EDT]; Sustainability [EDO]; Diversity Perspectives [EDE]; Mathematics [MAT, MTE]; *>Teacher Leadership [EDE], and others. Courses may be applied to graduate certificates.
Culminating Courses (9 credits)
EDE 571 Educational Change: The Role of Change in the Era of Accountability - Fall Semester
EDE 611 Teacher as Classroom Researcher (6 credits) - Spring Semester
Total Minimum Credits Required 30
*The Teacher Leadership certificate and endorsement includes: EDE 563, EDE 571 and two additional courses (EDE 564, EDE 572) which may count as electives in the program. Teachers complete field experiences and a leadership portfolio prior to completion of the certificate and may apply for PDE endorsement upon successful completion of each component.
Contact Information
Heather Leaman
Coordinator, M.Ed. in Applied Studies in Teaching & Learning
Coordinator, Teacher Leadership Certificate/Endorsement
Professor (2005)