Student Organization Event Planning Resource

So You Want to Plan a Student Organization Event? Here’s the How To at WCU:

The Special Event Policy has changed as of August 2024. To read the policy in its entirety, please click here . This webpage will break down the policy and procedures into an easy-to-understand way and will provide additional resources.

This guide is offered to provide information to recognized student organizations at West Chester University about event planning policies and procedures in addition to those offered in the University Event Planning site through University Affairs. This site will guide you on most things that will apply to your student organization event, but please be sure to view the University event planning site in addition to this resource.

What do you mean by “event?”

  • Student organizations have a ton of different events at WCU, but not all of them need to be submitted through our process. We hope that this website helps you to plan and navigate all types of events at WCU.
  • If student organizations are planning what we call a “special event,” they will have to follow the Special Event Policy and submit a form here at least 4 weeks in advance. 
  • Keep clicking through the drop downs to plan your special event!

Special Event

Special Events are defined as any event held on campus requiring the presence of Public Safety, which includes one or more of the following:

  • Non-WCU attendees targeted as core group of attendees (ie: advertising different rate for non WCU)
  • Cash exchanged over $100 either for admission or fundraising
  • Size of crowd is over 100 attendees
  • Event ends after 11:00pm
  • Nature of entertainment (e.g., DJ, band, performer)
  • The event set up unseated/unstructured
  • Un-accompanied minors are a part of the event/program

Additionally, any event taking place in the following spaces typically involve a component listed above.  If your event is taking place in one of these spaces, submit a form and SPARC will determine if the event meets the Special Event definition.  

    • Emilie K. Asplundh Concert Hall
    • Ehinger Gym
    • Hollinger Fieldhouse
    • John A. Farrell Stadium
    • Main Hall 168
    • SECC 108
    • Sykes Ballrooms, 115, Ram Park, Theater
    • Academic Quad
    • Residential Quad
    • Swope Music Venues - Madeleine Wing Adler Theatre

***Public Safety will determine if the nature of the special event requires their presence.

Student Programming Activity Review Committee (SPARC)

  • The Student Programming Activity Review Committee (SPARC) consists of a variety of staff on campus who work together to ensure the success of student organization events. Members of this committee include the Office of Student Leadership and Involvement (SLI), Public Safety, space managers, moving services, grounds, Aramark, Student Services, Inc., etc.
  • This committee will meet once a week to review the forms and all space reservations on campus.
  • The committee will determine if more information or next steps must occur for the space to be approved for the event and will reach out to the student to ensure that information is received and meetings are scheduled.

What is an Event Specialist?

  • This year, Event Specialists are students who represent their organizations as event planners when speaking with members of SPARC.
  • Each organization can send as many students as they would like to Event Specialist training. Students can represent up to (3) recognized organizations as Event Specialists.
    • Please note, you only must attend Event Specialist training if your organization plans on having a Special Event this academic year 2024-2025.
  • SPARC will have a list of students who are Event Specialists and the organizations they are representing.
  • These students will be the ones who submit the space requests for special events, speak with SPARC members, and are the only ones who can submit the Special Event Form.
  • If you need to be trained after the official trainings or have a special circumstance, you can always email where we will do our best to accommodate your organizations’ needs to ensure event success.

How Will my Special Event be “Approved?”

  • When the form is received and the space is reserved for an event, that will ensure that SPARC discusses the event at the weekly meeting.
  • You will receive confirmation from the space manager that the space has been approved, pending SPARC approval.  
  • Once all information is received and meetings are had you will receive an approval email for the event.

Will My Organization Have to Meet with a Leadership Consultant (LC) or SLI Staff?

  • The event process has changed since last year. You will only have to meet with an LC or SLI staff member if they reach out to you directly after SPARC.
  • Most meetings will take place directly with the space manager or Public Safety and they will reach out to you directly after SPARC.

Why is it Important to Follow Procedures When Planning an Event?

  • Policies and procedures exist to ensure the safety of your event and the WCU community. It is critical to follow all policies and procedures that have to do with your space and type of event.
  • Following policies and ensuring your event is successful will provide you with a variety of leadership skills that you can use at college and beyond. Some skills include but are not limited to:
    • Delegation
    • Budgeting
    • Logistics
    • Problem Solving

What Happens if My Organization Does Not Follow This Policy?

  • If a student organization fails to abide by any of the policies outlined in this resource, or any policies of the space venues on campus, the group will be held accountable through the Office of Student Leadership & Involvement.
  • Accountability procedures are outlined in the Student Organization Policy and Procedures Manual (SOPPS) Article V.
    1. Warning
    2. Suspension
    3. Recommendation of derecognition to the Student Government Association
    • Accountability sanctions can be the following:

Before Your Event

  • Think about the purpose of your organization. Does this event tie back to that purpose? What is the goal of the event?
  • Can I collaborate with another organization or department on campus with a similar purpose statement?
  • Who will be the point person for the event?
  • How much money will I need for this event? Do I have enough money or do I need to fundraise more?
    • Apply for an auxiliary budget here through SGA if eligible (non-selective organization and only once per semester).

4 Weeks or More Before

  • Reserve space for your organization through 25 Live or other space reservation pathways.
    • Note – a reservation is NOT a confirmation. You will have to wait for confirmation from your space manager.
    • If it is a special event, have your Event Specialist submit the reservation.
    • Think about a rain date if it is outside.
    • Think about your room set-up.
  • Submit your special event form at least 4 weeks in advance after reserving space!
  • Speak with your advisor to let them know about the event and ask if they can be there if the space requires them to attend due to AV needs or other reasons.
  • Secure any contracts for outside vendors/performers.
  • Submit orders for food from New Street Catering or submit your waiver.
  • Create your marketing plan!
    • RamConnect, social media, digital signage, flyers, etc.

3 Weeks

  • Meet with the space manager, if needed, to discuss any work orders, tables, chairs, etc.
  • Start to execute your marketing plan.
  • Make any purchases that you need for the event.
  • Start planning the set-up and clean-up needs and requesting volunteers from your organization.

2 Weeks

  • If Public Safety reaches out to you after you submit your special event form, set-up your meeting and meet with an officer to talk about your event.
  • Follow-up with all vendors for your event.
  • Make sure that Donna Snyder from SSI receives and signs your contracts.
  • Create your assessment for your event to send out to attendees.

Week Of

  • Host a meeting with your organization and volunteers to make sure everyone feels good about the plan for the event and their roles.
  • Have a walkthrough of the event space, if needed, with Public Safety, staff, advisor, and volunteers.
  • Create an FAQ for your volunteers.
  • Communicate with vendors and attendees about where the location is, how to get there, where to park, etc.
  • Create a to-do list and make sure all details are accounted for for the set-up, event, and clean-up.

Day Of

  • Have a schedule that is shared with your team.
  • Check all AV needs before the event and reach out to a space manager if things are not working.
  • Make sure attendance tracking method is in order.
  • Think about the flow of the event and mark where lines will stand.
  • Ensure space is clean and all policies relating to the space are followed.
  • Communicate with any staff or Public Safety officers who are at the event.

Post Event

  • Ensure all vendors were paid.
  • Send thank you messages to volunteers, speakers, vendors, etc.
  • Send assessment to attendees.
  • Keep any notes and files from the event in RamConnect documents for the next officer.