
SGA has a number of committees. Any enrolled student can join an SGA committee without having to being a senator. If interested in joining a committee reach out to the committee chair listed under each committee or SGA at

The Bylaw Review Committee will:

  1. Study and interpret the SGA bylaws as well as advise their president and vice president as to their interpretations.
  2. Collect, record, and update the bylaws of all student organizations at West Chester University. 
  3. Introduce all bylaws to the senate with recommendations for approval, rejection, or nullifications – except those of the Graduate Student Association, the Off Campus and Commuter Association, and the Residence Hall Association. 
  4. Accept and review senate seat applications.
  5. Hold any necessary appeal hearings for probationary groups during the spring semester.
  6. Perform any other duties specified in these bylaws or delegated by the senate.

Contact Keilah Hanley at  for more information.

The Finance Committee will: 

  1. Assist the SGA treasurer in the preparation of the fiscal budget. 
  2. Uphold the SGA Financial Policies and Procedures. 
  3. Recommend to the senate allocations for auxiliary requests. 
  4. Collect, record, and update the financial policies of all SGA recognized student organizations.  
  5. Conduct a seminar on SGA Financial Policies and Procedures and the budgeting process at least once during the fall semester for all student organization treasurers.
  6. Perform any other duties specified in these bylaws or delegated by the senate.

Contact Jasmine Stewart for more information.

The Outreach Committee will:

  1. Represent the students on the federal, state, and local levels in all areas pertaining to non-academic legislation that may affect student life at West Chester University.
  2. Work with the other PASSHE schools to keep abreast of upcoming issues and events in the State System of Higher Education.
  3. Organize a voter registration drive in collaboration with the Public Relations Committee every fall semester.
  4. Reach out to local Legislators and Officials and work with them on different initiatives.
  5. Perform any other duties specified by these bylaws or delegated by the Senate.

Contact Claire Shutack  for more information. 

The Public Relations Committee will:

  1. Work to build the SGA brand on a University level.
  2. Design T-shirts, posters, social media content/posts to promote SGA events and spirit.
  3. Manage all Student Government affiliated social media platforms (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter).
  4. Organize a voter registration drive in collaboration with the Outreach Committee every fall semester.
  5. Help with Ad Hoc Committee and prepare events for each semester.
  6. Perform any other duties specified by these bylaws or delegated by the Senate.

Contact Annie Wineka for more information.