Will LARC tutoring be available?
Yes, tutors will conduct tutoring sessions via Zoom starting the second week of the semester. Additional online tutoring will be available 24/7 through SmarThinking, which can be accessed under “Resources” on D2L.
How do I register for tutoring at the LARC?
Information regarding virtual tutor registration will be made available to all students prior to the start of the spring semester. If you have any questions regarding registration, email the LARC office at
I need help managing my time, getting organized with online classes, preparing for online tests, etc.
Students can either meet individually with a Success Coach or view available Academic Success Workshops to learn and implement success strategies on their own. Visit our website to either schedule an online appointment with a success coach or to view a workshop.
I need some help with my writing. Is the Writing Center still available to me?
Yes! The Writing Center will offer writing tutoring via Zoom. In some courses, tutors will be embedded with the course, and their contact information will be available on the course D2L site. Visit the Writing Center’s website to schedule an appointment.
I do not have much experience taking classes remotely. Where can I learn about how to succeed in digital learning spaces?
On your D2L page, there is a module called “Navigating Digital Learning.” We encourage all students to review these modules to learn how to excel in digital learning spaces. This site contains a collection of short tutorials or units to help you successfully use the learning technologies found at West Chester University. If you need more assistance, make an appointment with a Success Coach.
Is the Philadelphia campus Student Success Center still available to students for the Spring 2021 semester if classes are remote?
Yes. The Student Success Center will provide online support synchronously via phone or Zoom and asynchronously by email. Visit our website to view our flexible schedule, learn about our staff, check out distance learning resources, and schedule an appointment.
I have never used the Philadelphia campus Student Success Center. How do I make an appointment?
Please review these instructions to create an account and schedule your online appointment.
I’m not comfortable with online programs or software like Zoom or Skype. Can I still receive remote assistance from the Philadelphia campus Student Success Center?
Yes! Phone consultations are also available. If you have further questions or would like to discuss how we can support your distance learning, please contact Ben Morgan (657-400-3061), Associate Director of the Student Success Center.