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West Chester University is now offering a semester long workshop series that helps students to develop a professional brand, create a significant online professional presence, connects workshop students to a massive professional network... and it isn’t a class that grades you. It is a FREE workshop, but space is limited, and applications must be approved.



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PB2N DIRECTOR, J. KANAN SAWYER, has been working for decades to help professional clients and students to make their best connections. Dr. Sawyer is a tenured professor in the Communication and Media Department. She is the Head of Communications at the pharmaceuticals CRO, TradeCraft Clinical Research. She also has nearly two decades of experience as a speaking and communication consultant. She now turns her attention to ensuring WCU students become stand out experts in navigating professional networks.


Are you in?

YOUR PERSONAL BRAND communicates your potential to others. Developing it is something that you may do after graduation... but imagine coming out of college with a well-developed personal brand. You are more competitive, more confident, and more ready to dive head first into the pile of job offers that come your way. The PB2N workshop series provides:

  • Trainings with Experienced Staff and Industry Professionals
  • One-on-One Mentoring
  • Networking Events
  • Group Workshops
  • Branding Material Evaluations (with the no grading stress and lots of help to refine your message!)


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WE CONNECT YOU to our network and then help you to develop your own. Do you want to know someone in broadcasting? We know that person. Do you need a connection in the non-profit sector? We’ve got somebody. Is your dream to work in health care? We can make the introduction. The PB2N workshop director and staff have spent years crafting networks. Part of your training will be to link to our networks and then expand them into your own industry-focused, great-advice-giving, ready-to-help network of talented professionals.

Don’t feel like you are ready? We’ll get you there!


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