Letter from Director
Dear West Chester University Parents and Family Members,
Welcome to the West Chester University Golden Ram Family! At WCU, we believe that parents and family members are integral partners in student development and success. We thank you for your continued support, encouragement, and engagement in your student’s educational experience.
Though our programs and services, Parent and Family Relations is committed to ensuring that you are informed and engaged and have access to resources necessary to promote your student’s success, beginning at New Student Orientation until your student walks across the stage at graduation.
Do you have questions? Please call Parent and Family Relations at (610) 436-2698, email us at ParentFamilyRelations@wcupa.edu, or visit my office in the Lawrence Center Room 212. I would be very happy to help you navigate WCU and answer any questions you may have.
Rams up!
Lexie McCarthy
Director of Parent and Family Relations