Council for Diversity, Inclusion and Academic Excellence
The Council for Diversity, Inclusion, & Academic Excellence was formed in fall 2013 through the WCU Strategic Plan, Building on Excellence, and was charged with the assessment of the University’s progress toward its diversity and inclusion goals and to develop a plan to advance its progress to improve the campus climate. After the University hired a Chief Diversity and Inclusion Officer in 2018 and launched the current strategic plan, Pathways to Success in Fall 2019, the charge of the Council for Diversity, Inclusion and Academic Excellence was redirected in Spring 2020.
Charge: The responsibilities of the Council for Diversity, Inclusion and Academic Excellence are to:
- advise the Chief Diversity and Inclusion Officer
- collectively and strategically engage in, advise, or support DEI special projects, initiatives, or partnerships
- advocate for initiatives that facilitate the progress of diversity, equity and inclusion at West Chester
- identify and challenge practices that hinder or create barriers in the University's efforts to further advance (D&I) engagement, innovation and best practices.
Membership of the current members of the Council for Diversity, Inclusion and Academic