Lunch (En)Counter Series
Lunch (En)Counters takes its name from the famed lunch-counter protests of the Civil Rights era; these events aim to provide campus forums for discussing topical issues related to race and civil rights. It provides excellent opportunities for your students to engage in conversations about diversity beyond traditional classroom walls.
Lunch (En)Counter Series for Fall 2019
FDI Lunch (En)Counters: “The 19th Amendment and Voting Rights in the 21st Century”
Tuesday, October 8th 12:30 to 2 pm in Sykes Theater
This interdisciplinary panel will discuss the 1920 passage of the 19th amendment that
gave women the right to vote a century ago and the importance of voting rights today,
why these rights still need protecting, and the responsibility that voting-age citizens
have to exercise that right. Audience questions and answers will follow the panelists'
The panelists for this event are; Dr. Joan Woolfrey (Depts. of Women and Gender Studies
and Philosophy), Dr. Linda Stevenson (Depts. of Political Science and Women and Gender
Studies), Tammy Williams Tammy Williams (Vision2020 PA State Delegate, Women 100 Partner
and Founder/CEO of Envision2bWell powered by She’s It LLC.), and Dr. Pamela Gray (President,Chester
County League of Women Voters).
PLEASE RSVP: Dr. Anita Foeman ( or Dr. Eleanor Shevlin (