What is Rams Forward?
Rams Forward is a one-day event designed to help students start the fall semester equipped, empowered, and energized!
Who can attend Rams Forward?
Rams Forward is for any student who receives an invitation to participate.
When is the event?
Sunday, August 29th beginning at 8:30 am and ending at 12:30 pm. We chose this time to align with other important events occurring on campus that day.
What will I do at Rams Forward?
You will work with university staff, faculty, and administrators on a number of hands-on activities to develop your skills, build confidence, reflect and renew, and set goals for the coming year.
How can I register for Rams Forward?
I cannot attend on the 29th. Will there be other opportunities to participate?
This event will only take place on the 29th. However, if you would like to connect with other supportive resources, we encourage you to make an appointment with one of our Success Coaches.
Who I can speak to about Rams Forward?
You may reach out to Andria Young, the Assistant to the Associate Provost for Student Success, at ayoung@wcupa.edu or (610) 436- 3416.