Karen Mitchell, ph.d.


Karen Mitchell

Assistant Department Chair of Psychology
Associate Professor of Psychology
Ph.D., Kent State University
Office: Wayne Hall 534
Phone: 610-436-2110
Email: KMitchell@wcupa.edu 
Research Lab:  MaC Lab

Office Hours: Spring 2024

  • Tue & Thu 11am-12:30pm
  • Wed 10am-12pm
  • By Appointment

Courses Typically Taught

  • PSY475 Cognitive Psychology
  • PSY476 Cognitive Laboratory
  • PSY400 Senior Seminar (Fact and Fantasy: How the Mind Creates Reality)

Brief Description of Research Interests

I have broad interests in human memory and cognition, including cognitive neuroscience. My research focuses especially on: source monitoring (the processes by which we attribute mental experiences to sources) and the phenomenal experience of remembering; specification of the component cognitive processes and neural substrates of episodic memory, especially those involved in the binding of attributes into complex memories and in cognitive control; application of theories of human memory to real-world problems, including eyewitness suggestibility and interpersonal reality monitoring (how we judge the veracity of other people’s memory accounts). I am also interested in the impact of both emotion and aging on cognition, and I collaborate with clinicians in studies looking at cognitive disruptions in psychopathology (depression, schizophrenia, PTSD). I also enjoy collaborating with students on cognitive topics of mutual interest.

Representative Publications

Complete publication listing can be found here.

  • Mitchell, K.J. (2016). The cognitive neuroscience of source monitoring. In J. Dunlosky & U. Tauber (Eds), The Oxford Handbook of Metamemory (pp. 425-449). Oxford University Press, New York, NY.
  • Sugimori, E., Mitchell, K.J., Raye, C.L., Greene, E.J., & Johnson, M.K. (2014). Brain mechanisms underlying reality monitoring for heard and imagined words. Psychological Science, 25, 403-413.
  • Mitchell, K.J., Ankudowich, E., Durbin, K.A., Greene, E.J., & Johnson, M.K. (2013). Age-related differences in agenda-driven monitoring of format and task information. Neuropsychologia, 51, 2427-2441.
  • Mitchell, K.J., & Johnson, M.K. (2009). Source monitoring 15 years later: What have we learned from fMRI about the neural mechanisms of source memory? Psychological Bulletin, 135, 638-677.
  • Mitchell, K.J, Raye, C.L., Ebner, N.C., Tubridy, S.M., Frankel, H., & Johnson, M.K. (2009). Age-group differences in medial cortex activity associated with thinking about self-relevant agendas. Psychology and Aging, 24, 438-449.
  • Johnson, M.K., Mitchell, K.J., Raye, C.L., McGuire, J.T., & Sanislow, C.A. (2006). Mental rubbernecking to negative information depends on task context. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 13, 614-618.
  • Mitchell, K.J., Johnson, M.K., &Mather, M. (2003). Source monitoring and suggestibility to misinformation: Adult age-related differences. Applied Cognitive Psychology, 17, 107-119.
  • Mitchell, K.J., & Zaragoza, M.S.(2001). Contextual overlap and eyewitness suggestibility. Memory & Cognition, 29, 616-626.
  • Mitchell, K.J., Johnson, M.K., Raye, C.L., Mather, M., & D’Esposito, M. (2000). Aging and reflective processes of working memory: Binding and test load deficits. Psychology and Aging, 15, 527–541.
  • Johnson, M.K., Bush, J.G., & Mitchell, K.J. (1998). Interpersonal reality monitoring: Judging the sources of other people's memories. Social Cognition, 16, 199-224.
  • Mitchell, K.J., Livosky, M., & Mather, M. (1998). The weapon focus effect revisited: The role of novelty. Legal and Criminological Psychology, 3, 287-303.
  • Mitchell, K.J., & Zaragoza, M.S. (1996). Repeated exposure to suggestion and false memory: The role of contextual variability. Journal of Memory and Language, 35, 246-260.

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