The Pre-Medical Program is looking for academically talented and highly motivated students.

Generally, applicants rank in the top 10% of their graduating class, have a GPA of 3.5 or higher, pursue a demanding high school program that includes advanced science and math courses, and achieve a minimum combined score on the SAT (Critical Reading and Math) of 1240 or an ACT score of 26.

To apply to West Chester University's Pre-Medical Program:

  1. You must complete and submit a WCU undergraduate admissions application.
  2. You must complete and submit a supplemental application for the Pre-Medical Program during your first year at WCU. Please complete and return to:
Dr. Teresa Donze-Reiner, Ph.D.
Director, Pre-Medical Program
West Chester University
117 Science Complex South
West Chester, PA 19383

Prospective Students Frequently Asked Questions 


Download the Program Application

Pre-Medical Program Application

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