Multicultural Faculty Commission (MFC)

Formed in June 2006, the MFC functions as a constituency group for faculty of color.  The MFC addresses unmet and incompletely met community-building needs and provides expanded support for a diverse and global faculty in such areas as scholarship and academic leadership.

Doctor Chang Profile pic

Chair, Dr. Janet Chang

Dr. Chang is an Associate Professor of Psychology at West Chester University and Research Affiliate at Smith College.  She earned a B.A. with honors from Swarthmore College and a Ph.D. from the University of California, Davis.  She is a social-cultural psychologist who examines how cultural values and norms-tied to race/ethnicity and social class-influence help seeking, with a focus on first-generation college students.  She investigates ethnic/racial disparities in mental health and sociocultural influences on psychological functioning among diverse ethnic/racial groups.  Her research has been funded by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.

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