Background Checks for Existing WCU Employees

In October 2014, Governor Corbett signed legislation requiring background checks for all school employees to be processed every three years (Act 153) . The required background checks are as follows:

  • PA State Police Clearance
  • FBI Clearance
  • PA Child Abuse Clearance

All West Chester University employees are considered “school employees” and therefore must have the above-referenced clearances completed every three years.

In order to begin your clearances, we have provided your first name, last name and email address to CBY systems, our background check vendor . CBY Systems will be sending you an email asking you to submit your information and consent so that these clearances can begin processing the email will come from me ( Please choose Option #1 to electronically sign your release. If you chose Option#2 manual release, you will be kicked out of the system and you will need to notify me that you would like manual submission and come to the Human Resource Department to complete. It is imperative that you complete the information requested by CBY, within 7 days of receipt, as it is the only way to have your clearances completed . If you do not receive a notification from CBY ( 14 days, please contact Ann Travis in the Office of Human Resources.

These clearances will process as follows:

  • PA State Police Clearance: The PA State Police clearance will run automatically within CBY once you fill in your information . The Office of Human Resources will be provided with the results upon completion.
  • FBI Clearance: CBY systems will contact you directly with a registration number and locations for fingerprinting. You will receive the FBI Clearance Results in the mail and must bring the original results to the HR office upon receipt.
  • PA Child Abuse Clearance: CBY systems will contact you directly to complete the online PA Child Abuse Clearance . You will be provided with a pre-paid registration number that you will use to fill out your information online . When the clearance has completed, the results will be forwarded to you as well as the Office of Human Resources.

Things to Remember:

  • There is no cost to employees to have these clearances run through our vendor, CBY systems
  • We are unable to accept any clearance results that are not run through our vendor, CBY systems
    • Any employee who has these clearances run on his/her own outside of CBY systems will not be reimbursed for associated costs and will need to have the clearances completed again through CBY Systems
    • We are unable to accept any clearance results previously run from another employer . You will need to have these clearances completed again through CBY systems

** Some users have experienced difficulties with internet explorer if you are locked out, please use a different browser (Fire Fox or Google Chrome) or start over.

Any questions related to these clearances can be directed to Ann Travis in the Office of Human Resources.

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