Master's Education with Certification

The M.Ed with certification is a program that allows candidates to earn a Master’s degree and teacher certification simultaneously.  The program includes graduate courses in educational foundations, special education, literacy, English Language Learners and content specific learning and teaching courses. The core values of the M.Ed. program center around preparing candidates to teach in urban or rural school settings. During the program, candidates participate in field placements and a full semester of student teaching in urban or rural schools. Accepted candidates can start this program in either the fall or spring semester and will develop a plan of study with their graduate advisor that best suits their needs. This program includes one year of field placement followed by student teaching, which will be done in consecutive semesters (fall, spring).

Candidates are expected to have a Bachelor's degree in the certification content area to begin the program. Any candidates who do not have a major or minor in the certification area they are seeking should contact the Department Chair to conduct a transcript review. 

Group 1 - Foundation Courses

EDP 569 (3) Adolescent Development & Learning

ERM 555 (3) Assessment for Learning: Grades 7 – 12

LAN 569 (3) Teaching English Language Learners PK-12

EDA 511 (3) Inclusion and Collaboration

EDR 550 (3) Literacy Development for Students w/ Disabilities in Inclusive Classrooms

Choose one of the following:
EDF 511 (3) Foundations of Transformative Education
EDF 520 (3) Comparative Education
EDF 580 (3) History of American Education
EDF 583 (3) The American School as Social Narrative

Group 2 - Pedagogy Courses

SED 505 (3) Field Experience for Secondary Teachers  

Select one of the following:

SED 530 (6) Teaching and Learning in Secondary Social Studies 
SED 550 (6) Teaching and Learning in Secondary Mathematics 
SED 560 (6) Teaching and Learning in Secondary Science 
SED 590 (6) Teaching and Learning in Secondary English/Language Arts

SED 570 Teaching and Learning in Secondary Science and Mathematics (Course size dependent)

The Professional Semester 

Students wishing to enroll in the Professional Semester must have:  a) completed all required course work and field hours in Group I and II courses. The Professional Semester can only take place in spring

SED 511 (6) Secondary Student Teaching Internship 

SED 515 (3) Research Seminar

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