Cheryl Monturo, PhD, MBE, ACNP-BC

Professor, Department of Nursing
John A. Hartford Claire M. Fagin Fellow


Dr. Monturo completed her PhD in Nursing from the University of Pennsylvania School of Nursing. Her research and scholarship includes hospice/end-of-life care, palliative care, bioethics, evidence-based practice and more. Dr. Monturo serves as co-convener of two special interest groups with the Gerontological Society of America. These special interest groups include– the Hospice, Palliative and End-of-life Care as well as the Nursing Group.

Gerontology Courses Taught

  • NSG 537: Bioethical Decision Making in Healthcare


  • Monturo. C. A. (in press). Artificial nutrition, advance directives and end of life in nursing homes. In V. Preedy (Ed.), Handbook of Nutrition and Diet in Palliative Care. (2nd ed.) New York: CRC Press Taylor & Francis Group.
  • *Monturo, C. (2017). Institutional constraints: Challenges in examining older Veterans' preferences at end of life. SAGE Research Methods Cases. 10.4135/9781473979680
  • *Henrick, S., Brennan, B. & Monturo, C.A. (2016). Leadership defined: What's your style, and how it's perceived. Nursing Management, 47(10), 30-38.
  • *Schwartz, D. B., Armanios, N. August, D. A., Wesley, J. R. Barrocas, A. Frankel, E. H. McGinnis, C., Patel, M., Goldman, B., McCutcheon Adams, K., Monturo, C., Pontes-Arruda, A., Kliger, G., Abel,D., Schwartz, E., Reis, E. (2016). Attitudes Concerning Clinical Ethics and Nutrition Support Practice: A.S.P.E.N Member Perspective and Implications for Practice Change and Nutrition Curriculum. Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, Epub ahead of print. DOI 10.1016/j.jand.2016.01.009. Print issue: 116(11):1738-1746.
  • Monturo, C.A. (2015). Ethics. In Smith, M. J., Carpenter, R., & Fitzpatrick, J. J. (Ed.), Encyclopedia of nursing education. New York: Springer Publishing.
  • * Schwartz, D. B., Barrocas, A., Wesley, J. R., Kliger, G., Pontes-Arruda, A., Arenas Márquez, H., Lembo James, R., Monturo, C., Lysen, L. K., and DiTucci, A. (2014). Gastrostomy Tube Placement in Patients with Advanced Dementia or Near End of Life. Nutrition in Clinical Practice 29(6), 872-879.
  • *Monturo, C. A. & Strumpf, N. E. (2014). Food, Meaning and Identity among Aging Veterans at End of Life. Journal of Hospice and Palliative Nursing, 16(3), 143-9.
  • *Thomas, C., Monturo, C.A. & Conroy, K. (2012). Classroom Learning: Experiences of Faculty and Students Using an Audience Response System. Computers, Informatics, Nursing, Topical Collection (6) "Informatics, Technology and Nursing Education."
  • *Thomas, C., Monturo, C.A. & Conroy, K. (2011). Classroom Learning: Experiences of Faculty and Students Using an Audience Response System. Computers, Informatics, Nursing, 29(7), 396-400.
  • Monturo. C. A. (2011). Artificial nutrition, advance directives and end of life in nursing homes. In V. Preedy (Ed.), Handbook of Nutrition and Diet in Palliative Care. New York: CRC Press Taylor & Francis Group.
  • *Barrocas, A., Geppert, C., Durfee, S. M., Maillet, J. O., Monturo, C., Mueller, C., Stratton, K., Valentine, C., A.S.P.E.N Ethics Position Paper Task Force, and A.S.P.E.N. Board of Directors. (2010). A.S.P.E.N. Ethics Position Paper. Nutrition in Clinical Practice 25(6), 672-9. PMID 21051546
  • *Monturo, C. & Hook, K. (2009). From means to ends: Artificial nutrition and hydration, in Bjarnason, D & Carter, M. (eds) Legal and ethical issues: To know, to reason, to act. Nursing Clinics of North America 44(4).
  • *Monturo, C.A. (2009). The Artificial Nutrition Debate: Still an issue after all these years… Nutrition in Clinical Practice, 24, 206.
  • *Monturo, C.A. & Strumpf, N.E. (2007). Advance Directives at End-of-Life: Nursing Home Resident Preferences for Artificial Nutrition. Journal of the American Medical Directors Association 8(4), 224-228.
  • *Giarelli, E., McCorkle, R., & Monturo, C.A. (2003). Caring for a spouse after prostate surgery: The preparedness needs of wives. The Journal of Family Nursing, 9(4), 453-485.
  • *Monturo, C.A., Rogers, P., Coleman, M., Robinson, J., & Pickett, M. (2001). Beyond Sexual Assessment: Lessons Learned from Couples Post Radical Prostatectomy. The Journal of the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners 13(11), 511-516.

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