Who is required to complete the Community Service Experience requirement?

West Chester University undergraduate students in early grades preparation, middle grades preparation, or special education majors (including special education/secondary dual majors) are required to complete the CSE requirement.

I did community service but did not get it pre-approved, will it count?


The correct process for completing the Community Service Experience requirement is to have your community service pre-approved by the Office of Candidate Services, Wayne Hall, Suite 107. View the pre-approval form 

It is essential to have service pre-approved, as some types of community service do not count towards the required 20 hours of the Community Service Experience, as well as having a date set for the reflective statement to be submitted. Reflective statements must be submitted within 60 days of completing your CSE hours.

I did community service hours prior to coming to WCU, will it count?  

The student must be considered a WCU student at the time the CSE hours are served. In other words, the student cannot be a student at another college or in high school at the time of serving and completing their CSE hours. 

What types of community service activities count towards the Community Service Experience hours?

Community service must be pre-approved hours that provides a direct concrete benefit to the populations of children, youth, or adults, including those with disabilities. Community service must be performed with a non-profit organization. Examples of types of community service that do not count towards the Community Service Experience include: administrative, clerical, cleaning, and fundraising tasks. Your community service hours cannot also fulfill a requirement for a credit bearing course (service learning class).

What is a non-profit organization?

Nonprofit organizations and agencies exist only to provide programs and services that are of public benefit. Some nonprofit organizations do earn a profit, more aptly described as a surplus, but the earnings must be retained by the organization to be directed into more programs and services in the future. Individuals may not benefit directly from the surplus. 

Can I do community service hours at my workplace and just not receive pay for the extended hours?

No, students may not complete community service hours at their place of employment. Community service hours must be completed at a non-profit organization outside of the students' workplace.

Do I have to do my CSE hours in Pennsylvania?

 No, if you reside in another state you can complete your hours there with a signed pre-approval form.

Where do I submit my reflective statement and verification form after my CSE hours are completed?

Your reflective statement and the completed verification form are submitted into Tk20. Tk20 is a software that is used in your Education classes. Instructions for Tk20 for Community Services Experience can be found at Education Major-Community Service Experience Application Student Guide  or Non-Education Major-Community Service Experience Application Student Guide

How do i make an appointment for a pre-approval?

Contact Information: Mrs. Judith MacDonald, Appointments (Sophomores and above) or Mr. Paul Whalen, Appointments (First Year Students/New Transfer/Undeclared)

Office hours during the academic year are 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday. The summer hours are 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., Monday through Friday.

Is there an award for outstanding service?

Yes, the Community Service Experience Award is given on Teacher Education Day held during the spring semester. This is a monetary award. The award winner(s) are selected by the Community Service Advisory Committee on the basis of early completion and exemplary service. Read about the award winners from previous years.