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Bring the DNA Discussion Project to your organization.
Request a quote today to learn more about how we can customize the project to meet your specific needs. Please contact Anita Foeman for more information.
The Goal
Have you ever wondered about the origins of your family? Are you curious about your
ethnicity or race? Have you heard or told stories about your family's past? Would
you like to know the truth behind family secrets? DNA is a scientific way to answer
all these questions with a high level of accuracy.
Everyone has a unique combination of DNA molecules in their cells. They form a genetic blueprint, providing insights into one's ethnic heritage. But many people don't know what their DNA says about them; and many are surprised when they find out.
The goal of the DNA Discussion Project at West Chester University is to encourage greater understanding of the science of genetics, the construction of race, and the perception of ethnicity. By engaging participants in discussion before and after DNA testing, we are discovering that we share a rich background that is often unexpected.
The Process
- Participants answer a Qualtrics pre-survey in which they share what they believe to be their ethnic ancestry, as well as other questions.
- Utilizing the DNA sample collection kit mailed to them, they collect a small sample of cells for DNA testing. The sample is processed by a DNA lab that specializes in ancestry.
- Within a few weeks, participants are provided the results of the DNA test, reporting estimated percentages of ethnic heritage.
- Participants complete a Qualtrics post-survey, where they are encouraged to talk about the results and their reactions to this information.
- Participants will be invited to a series of ongoing workshops and discussions about the Project and their reactions to what they have learned about their ancestry.
- Please share your pictures, stories, and reactions at dnadiscussion@wcupa.edu.