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OU Campus – Final Stages of Migration

If you have not heard by now, our website has been in the process of migrating to a new content management system (CMS) for the last year and a half. Previously, our web editors were trained in Adobe Contribute or Adobe Dreamweaver, and could edit their webpages via the use of those programs. However, a few years ago, Adobe stopped supporting Contribute and we quickly realized, we would need to find a more robust program to replace it. Enter in, OmniUpdate’s product OU Campus.

OU Campus brings features to the table that were previously unavailable. In having a completely browser based platform, gone are the days of only being allowed to edit on-campus, between 7:00 am and 5:30 pm, Monday through Friday. With OU, you’re able to update your sites from anywhere you have an internet connection, even on your phone.

Screenshot of InfoServices Catalog in OU  

The Web Team formulated a road map, starting with “services” first; Information Services & Technology, Student Affairs, the Provost’s office etc… In addition, any departments (including academics) or offices requesting a new site, or a design refresh which went right into OU Campus. The total number of pages created in OU from the beginning of our migration to present is right around 8,500. The number of users trained in OU is just under 200. 

Screenshot of Dashboard in OU  

We initially projected the migration to last until late 2019. However, with how quickly campus has accepted this new system, and with our dedicated team committed to providing a better product, we were able to ramp up the delivery and will be rounding out the final phase of migration by the end of 2018. With the most recent conversions of the College of Education and Social Work, the College of Health Sciences, and the Business Services departments - we're well on our way! In October, you'll see the College of Sciences and Mathematics migrating over, as well as the College of Business and Public Management later in the semester. 

If your site is not currently in OU Campus, and you’d like it to be – please reach out to us! Our team will happily set up a time to discuss the migration.

Is your site in OU but you feel you could benefit from additional training? Visit the FAST Calendar to see when our next offerings will be.