
Megan Corbin

  • Associate Professor of Languages
  • B.A., M.A., Ph.D., University of Minnesota, Twin Cities
  • Mitchell Hall 131
  • 610-738-0440
  • Spring 2021 Office Hours:
    Mondays 1-4pm; Tuesdays and Thursdays 11:30-12:30 pm
    Please email Dr. Corbin to establish the meeting and receive the Zoom link


Research Interests

  • Contemporary Latin American Literature and Culture
  • Southern Cone Narrative and Cultural Production
  • Testimonio
  • Human Rights
  • Memory Studies
  • Trauma Theory
  • Object-Oriented Philosophy
  • Material Culture Studies
  • Spectral Theory
  • Women's Writing
  • Feminist Theory

Recent Publications/Activities


  • "Archiveras anarquistas: Corporal Testimony in the Work of Diamela Eltit." Catedral Tomada, 1:1 (2013) 1-17.
  • "Neutralizing Consent: The Maternal Look and the Returned Gaze in El infarto del alma." Lucero 22 (2012).
  • Martín Estudillo, Luis and Megan Corbin. "One Last Fight: Telling the Stories of the Anti-Francoist Guerrilla in Twenty-First Century Spain." Armed Resistance: Cultural Representations of the Anti-Francoist Guerrilla. Ed. Antonio Gómez López-Quiñones and Carmen Moreno-Nuño. Hispanic Issues On Line (Fall 2012): 232–240. Web. url:
  • Co-author, Co-editor (with Luis Martín-Estudillo) "Exile, Intellectuals, and the Memory Wars." Hispanic Issues On Line Debates. Summer 2012.


  • “El ser de los objetos: Hacía una poética del objeto material en Un hombre numerado (Marcelo Estefanell) y Conversaciones con la alpargata (Mauricio Rosencof).” II Simposio de la Sección de Estudios del Cono Sur (LASA), Montevideo, Uruguay. July, 2017.
  • “Tool-Being: Toward a Poetics of the Object in Post-dictatorship Narratives.” The Department of Languages and Cultures Research Colloquium. West Chester University, April 21, 2017.
  • “Crossing the Body’s Borders: Poetics of DNA and the Translation of Forensic Memory” Knowledge Crossing Borders. West Chester, Pennsylvania. May 31-June 3, 2016.
  • “Corporal Memory: The Madres de Plaza de Mayo and the Poetics of Forensic Truth.” Languages and Cultures Department Research Day. West Chester, Pennsylvania. April 2016.
  • “Translating the Witness Within: DNA and the Recovery of Forensic Memory in Post-dictatorship Argentina.” Translating Memory and Remembrance Across the Disciplines. SUNY, New Paltz. March 2016.
  • “Filling the Narrative Void: Representing Disappearance in Southern Cone Latin America.” West Chester University Research Day. West Chester, Pennsylvania. March 2016.
  • “Object Memories: On the Place of the Material in Memory Studies.” Hispanic Issues Symposium: Renewing the Gaze: Socio-Historical Approaches to Hispanic Issues. Minneapolis, Minnesota, November 2015.
  • “Ghostly Vivencias: Reappearance and Personal Belongings in Cautiva.” Mid Atlantic Latin American Studies Association (MALAS). Millersville, Pennsylvania, October 2015.
  • “Residual Memories: (Re)constructing Urban Ruins in Their Dogs Came With Them by Helena María Viramontes.” Latino Communities Conference. West Chester, Pennsylvania. September 2015.
  • "'Todo menos el olor': The Ethics of the 'Connective Turn' in Memory Activism." Actores, Demandas, Intersecciones, I Simposio de la Sección de Estudios del Cono Sur (LASA). Santiago, Chile. August 2015.
  • "If These Walls Could Speak: Testimonial Desire and the Encounter with Space and Place." Primer Congreso Internacional de Literatura y Derechos Humanos. Gargnano, Italy. June 2015.
  • "Chacabuco: A Cinematic Palimpsest of Memory." Latin American Studies Association. San Juan, Puerto Rico. May 2015.
  • “Experience at the Center: Testimonial Acts in Southern Cone Spaces of Memory.” Languages and Cultures Department Research Day. West Chester, Pennsylvania. April 2015.
  • “New Directions, New Questions: Memory Activism in the Argentine Post-Dictatorship” West Chester University Research Day. West Chester, Pennsylvania. March 2015.
  • "The Material Ally in Survival: Uruguayan Prison Narratives and the New Noticing of Things." Mid – America Conference on Hispanic Literature (MACHL). Madison, Wisconsin, October 2014.
  • "(Extra)Ordinary Things: Material Objects and Mental Self-Care in Uruguayan Political Prisons." Latin American Studies Association. Chicago, Illinois, May 2014.
  • "Jóvenes pasados, presentes y futuros: Ideología, género, y lo material de la cultura urbana en La edad de oro de José Martí." XVIII Congreso de la Asociación Internacional de Hispanistas. Buenos Aires, Argentina. July 2013.
  • "Haunted Objects: Spectral Testimony in the Latin American Post-dictatorship." Special Session: "Mapping Hauntings in Hispanic Literatures" at the American Comparative Literature Association. Toronto, Canada. April 2013.
  • "The Ship of Exile: Exposing Control Through Erotic Coding in the Poetry of Cristina Peri Rossi." South Atlantic Modern Language Association. Atlanta, Georgia, November 2011.



  • Discussant for the panel “Unveiling Human Rights in Latin America II: Alternative Perspectives and Approaches,” Middle Atlantic Council of Latin American Studies, Online Hosted by the College of New Jersey, March 19-20, 2021.
  • “Re-contextualizing “Nunca Más”: Recycled Symbolism in Recent Argentine Protest Movements” Latin American Studies Association (LASA). Boston, MA. May 2019.
  • “El pasado en el presente: Los vestigios de la memoria en las ruinas materiales.” III Simposio de la Sección de Estudios del Cono Sur (LASA). Buenos Aires, Argentina. July, 2019.
  • “Historias Clandestinas: Testimony from the 1.5 Generation in a Graphic Novel.” Northeast Modern Languages Association (NEMLA). Washington, D.C. March 2019 Round Table Presentation
  • “Villa: ¿Cómo diseñar un sitio de memoria para todos?” (with Karin Davidovich) Northeast Modern Languages Association (NEMLA). Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. April 2018. Panel Presentation
  • “The Dictatorships of the Southern Cone: Representing Political Imprisonment and Disappearance with Objects” on the panel Human Rights in Latin America Panel and Exhibition. Latino Communities Conference, West Chester University, September 28, 2017.


  • 2017 Research and Creative Activities (RACA) Grant, West Chester University
  • 2016 Honors College Outstanding Faculty, West Chester University
  • 2012-2013 Doctoral Dissertation Fellow, University of Minnesota – Twin Cities

Research Activities

  • Managing Editor, Hispanic Issues and Hispanic Issues On Line
  • Editor-in-Chief, College Literature
  • Secretary/Treasurer, Southern Cone Studies Section, Latin American Studies Association, 2023-2025

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