
Cristóbal Cardemil-Krause

  • Department Chairperson
  • Professor of Languages
  • M.A., Ph.D., Rutgers University
  • B.A., Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Research Interests

  • General literature in Spanish
  • General literatures from Brazil
  • Cultures of Latin America
  • Indigenous and regionalista literatures of Latin America
  • Literature from the Southern Cone
  • Space, Violence, and Post-Colonial Theory
  • Health Humanities and Spanish in Healthcare

Courses Taught in the Last Five Years

  • CLS 165: Introduction to World Literature
  • ESP 310: Latin American Narrative from the European Conquest to 1930s
  • ESP 311: Contemporary Latin American Narrative
  • FYE 100: First Year Experience
  • HSP 339: Advanced Spanish for Healthcare Professionals
  • IDS 490: Interdisciplinary Studies Capstone
  • LAN 100: Language and the Human Experience
    SPA 301: Advanced Spanish Grammar and Composition
  • SPA 302: Advanced Spanish Grammar and Conversation
  • SPA 444: Advanced Spanish Proficiency Development
  • SPA 556: Seminar: Indigeneity in Latin American Literature
  • SPA 556: Seminar: Latin American Geographies.


  • Forthcoming: “Tracing the Fault Line of Chilean Republicanism: Nostalgia and Emergencies in the Work of Hernán Rivera Letelier.” Latin American Literary Review (expected Fall 2024).
  • Forthcoming: “Trampas intelectuales, ilusiones y exclusiones en El Hablador de Mario Vargas Llosa.” Hispanic Review (expected Fall 2024).
  • “Brus Rubio: Nuevos horizontes del arte amazónico.” Latin American Research Review. 2024;59(1):144-159. doi:10.1017/lar.2023.39
  • “Hildebrando Fuentes’s Peruvian Amazon: National Integration and Capital in the Jungle.” Contested Modernities: A Literary Geography of the Amazon. Eds. Felipe Martínez Pinzón (Brown University) and Javier Uriarte (Stony Brook University). Liverpool University Press, England. 2019.
  • “O turista aprendiz: testimonio y patrimonio del modernismo brasileño.” South Atlantic Review. 83.1. September 2016. Eds. Rafael Ocasio. 90-108.
  • “Deconstrucciones discursivas en Edipo entre los inkas de César Calvo.” Taller de Letras. 51. November 2012. Ed. Ruby Carreño. 87-100.
  • “(In)movilidad de clases: posiciones y situaciones de la clase alta limeña.” Divergencias: Revista de estudios lingüísticos y literarios. 6.2 Winter 2008. 15-24.
  • SAMLA 2013: "O turista aprendiz: ¿obra en colaboración?"
  • ACLA 2014: "Early 20th Century National Representations of the Amazon and the Politics of Space."
  • NeMLA 2014: "Canaima: una perspectiva venezolana de la Amazonía gomera."
  • LASA 2014: "Cuando las palabras no dan: La obra pictórica de Brus Rubio y la recuperación de (O)tra historia oficial."
  • SAMLA 2014: "Modernizing the Jungle: Modernity and Future Sustainability in Rómulo Gallegos's Canaima."
  • PADLA 2014: : "Making Asynchronous Online Instruction Worth the While."
  • West Chester University Research Day 2015: "Hildebrando Fuentes's Peruvian Amazon: National Integration and Capital in the Jungle, 1904-1905"
  • RECAP 2015: "Best Practices to Designing Online Courses that Will Engage"

Selected Conferences

  • Upcoming: Organize Panel “Perspectives and Representations of Nostalgia in Latin American Cultures.” Present Paper: “Nostalgia en la obra de Hernán Rivera Letelier.” NeMLA 2025.
  • Organized and moderated: “Launch of the Spanish in Healthcare Certificate Panel.” Latin American and Latinx Studies Conference Series. West Chester University, Oct. 4, 2024.
  • Presented: “Spanish for Healthcare and the Health Humanities: Curricular Development.” ACTFL 2023. Chicago. Nov. 17-19, 2023.
  • Organized Panel: “Freedom and Resistance in Latin American Imaginaries of ‘Absolute’ Space.” Presented: "Espacio absoluto y espacio productivo en La serpiente de oro de Ciro Alegría." NEMLA 2023. Niagara Falls, Mar. 23-26, 2023.
  • Presented: “Creating a BS in Spanish in Healthcare.” ACTFL 2022. Boston. Nov. 18-20, 2022.
  • Presented: “Violencia sexual y simbolismo en dos textos indigenistas peruanos.” NEMLA 2022. Baltimore. Mar. 10-13, 2022.
  • Presented: “De indio a obrero: una mirada de clase en El tungsteno de César Vallejo.” LASA 2021. Online. May 26-29, 2021.
  • Organized 2 Panels, chaired 1, and Presented: “Hernán Rivera Letelier’s Microcosm of Chile: Representing the Nitrates Mining Industry in Chile.” NEMLA 2021. Online. March 11-14, 2021.

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