Frequently Asked Questions

This page includes important information about the WRITESurvey, our free online survey that helps you determine which first-year writing class will best set you up for success at West Chester University. If you have a question or issue that isn't answered on this FAQ page, please email

Before taking the WRITESurvey

This section addresses questions you may have before you take the WRITESurvey and troubleshoots common issues you may run into as you prepare to take the WRITESurvey.

What do I need to know about the WRITE Survey?

Taking the right first-year writing courses can be a critical factor for your success at college.

Writing, critical analysis, and research are fundamental skills for every major and professional career. Many new college students find that high school English and other writing assignments gave them some preparation for what was coming next, but in most cases the demands of college and professional writing are very different than what has come before.

The WRITE Survey is a free online survey that was designed by the English Department to assist you in identifying the best writing course sequence to ensure your success at WCU. The English Department will use your answers from the WRITE Survey to recommend courses that should be a good fit for you, and you'll have the opportunity to request a change if you disagree with the placement.

Who needs to take the WRITESurvey?

If you are an incoming first-year or transfer student, you must take the WRITESurvey before you can register for a First-Year Writing (WRT) class.

I'm an incoming first-year student. When and how do I access the WRITESurvey?


As soon as you have submitted a deposit [and therefore are “enrolled”] for the first semester, you should take the WRITESurvey to ensure you can be placed into the appropriate First-Year Writing course (WRT 120, WRT 123, or WRT 200-level) as soon as possible.

You can take the WRITESurvey online by visiting your myWCU Enrollment Portal:

  • Log in to your MYWCU account
  • Find the Current Tasks widget, which is typically located in the Upper-Right Corner of your screen.
  • Click on First-Year Placement Examinations inside the Current Tasks Widget. This will take you to the placement portal.
  • Once in the portal, the Navigation bar on the left of your screen will show you what sections need to be completed. The WRITESurvey will be included in this sidebar list as “Writing Self Placement.”
  • Click Ready to Start when you want to begin the placement test.
  • Click Complete once you are finished.

For best results, we recommend that you complete the WRITESurvey on any computer (no mobile devices, including phones or iPads/tablets) using either Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox as your browser. Please note that we are aware of some issues with the 2024 WRITESurvey completion notifications: you may see a notice that you still need to complete the WRITESurvey, even if you have already done so. If you have completed the WRITESurvey and all of the other Enrollment Portal tasks are paired with a green check mark, you can safely exit the Enrollment Portal: your tasks are complete.

I'm a transfer student. How do I access the WRITESurvey?

If you are a transfer student and you are not transferring in credits equivalent to WRT120, you need to take the WRITESurvey in order to enroll in a 100-level WRT course. Please email to get access to the WRITESurvey.

How much time do I need to take the WRITESurvey?

You'll need about 10 minutes to complete the WRITESurvey. Please note that you must finish the WRITESurvey in one session: you cannot save the survey and return to it later.

Can I use a calculator or other aids on the WRITESurvey?

You will not need a calculator or any tools to complete the survey. You should not use generative AI/LLMs (ChatGPT, etc.) to complete the survey, as they can affect your placement results.

I have AP, test and/or college credits from my high school/another undergraduate institution. Do I still need to take the WRITESurvey?

Yes. Even if you have AP, test, or transfer credit(s), you must complete the WRITESurvey as an incoming student. If you have questions about how your AP, test, or college credits are factored into your undergraduate credits, please refer to the following links:

Why can't I log into the Enrollment Portal on myWCU to take the WRITESurvey?

Several possibilities:

  • Have you paid your deposit? You must pay your deposit before the WRITESurvey is made available to you through the myWCU Enrollment Portal.
  • Are you using an up-to-date web browser (Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome)? We highly recommend using an up-to-date web browser, ideally on a desktop (as opposed to a phone or iPad/tablet).
  • Have you tried logging into myWCU and clicking the link titled "Current Tasks"?

If you still do not have access after answering yes to each of the above questions, please contact the WCU Help Desk at 610-436-3350 or complete a Help Desk service ticket.

Do I need to complete the entire Enrollment Portal (English, Mathematics, and [possibly - depending on major] Foreign Language) in one session?

No. However, each separate department portal must be completed in one sitting.

For example, you must finish the WRITESurvey in the same session once you begin. Once you finish the WRITESurvey, it's up to you whether or not to begin (and then finish) the Math Placement Exam in one session. Once the Math Placement Exam is completed, it's up to you whether or not to begin (and then finish) the Foreign Language Placement in one session. (Note: You may not see the Foreign Language Placement if your program does not require its majors to take a language.)

After taking the WRITESurvey

This section addresses questions you may have after you take the WRITESurvey, including how to find and understand your WRITESurvey placement results.

Your WRITESurvey placement

The WRITESurvey will use your answers to determine which First-Year Writing (WRT) course sequence is likely the best fit for you. In the following table, you'll find your recommended course sequence (or survey result) and what that course sequence entails:

Row Survey Result/Course Sequence Course Name & Brief Explanation
A WRT 123
(4 credits, all of which count toward graduation)
Effective Writing I with Supplemental Writing Workshop
Students in this sequence will move directly to WRT 200-level courses after completion.
B WRT 120
(3 credits, counts toward graduation)
Effective Writing I
Students in this sequence will move directly to WRT 200-level courses after completion.
C WRT 200-220
(3 credits, counts toward graduation)
Critical Research Writing
Any 200-level course with the WRT prefix will fulfill this requirement.


HELP! How do I "complete" the WRITESurvey?

Once you have answered all of the WRITESurvey questions, you'll need to click the "Submit" button to ensure that we receive your survey.You should receive an automatic message confirming that you have successfully completed the WRITESurvey and indicating where you can find your WRITESurvey placement results.Please note that we are aware of some issues with the 2024 WRITESurvey completion notifications: you may see a notice that you still need to complete the WRITESurvey, even if you have already done so. If you have completed the WRITESurvey and all of the other Enrollment Portal tasks are paired with a green check mark, you can safely exit the Enrollment Portal: your tasks are complete.

What happens once I've completed the WRITESurvey?

Congrats on finishing the WRITESurvey! Your first step to enrolling in your first semester's worth of class is complete!Once your WRITESurvey is complete, schedulers work collaboratively to put together a first semester schedule that incorporates your major (even if it's pre-major) and any extracurricular activities you partake in (if you do). You will receive your schedule at Orientation.

What is the difference between WRT 123 and WRT 120? 

WRT 123 (a 4-credit course) provides you with an extra 50-minute workshop, as well as a student writing mentor, to ensure you are able to demonstrate the rhetorical agility, genre/discourse conventions with sound writing processes in order to perform well not only in WRT 200s, but also be well prepared to compose meaningful writing for courses in your chosen discipline and future profession.WRT 120 (a 3-credit course) offers the same curriculum and learning outcomes as WRT 123. Students in this course generally have a strong background in writing and writing processes from their secondary education (high school).WRT 123 and WRT 120 fulfill the same requirement. Once you complete either WRT 123 or WRT 120, you can enroll in any 200-level WRT course.

How can I view my WRITESurvey results?

If you are an incoming first-year student, you will receive your placement information during your advisor meeting at Orientation.If you are a current student or a transfer student, you can find your WRITESurvey placement results n your student profile on RamPortal. To access the results, click the “Prior Education & Testing” tab on the left side of the profile. Your placement results should then appear on the right side of the profile. If your or your advisor have questions about the placement, please contact the WRITESurvey at

Can I fail the WRITESurvey?

The WRITESurvey is not designed to pass or fail you - it's not that kind of test! It is instead designed to place you into the First-Year Writing (WRT) course that is best suited to your current needs and that will prepare you for success at West Chester.

I'm an incoming first-year student. How do I change my First-Year Writing (WRT) placement (or course)?

If you have questions about your placement, please contact

Your first-semester schedule is created with your best course sequence in mind; therefore, we strongly recommend that you keep your original placement/course. If, however, you need to request a change to your First-Year Writing (WRT) placement, here's the process for doing so:
  • Submit this webform to request a placement change. Please allow 2-3 business days for the First-Year Writing Director to review and process your request.
  • You must also contact your major department (ex., Exploratory Studies students would contact Exploratory Studies; English majors would contact the English department) to discuss your options.
  • Once you've discussed your options with your major department, you will submit a formal request to the Registrar that must be approved by your major department. Follow this process:Part 1:
    1. Log into myWCU.
    2. Click the link for the “Request to Change First Semester Schedule” form (located under Useful Links in the Academic Information section).
    3. Complete all required information in the “Request to Change First Semester Schedule” form.
    4. Submit the completed form in myWCU.
    Part 2:
    • Exploratory Studies students: All forms submitted for students in undeclared plans will be sent directly to Exploratory Studies via email.
    • All other students: All forms for declared majors will be sent to the Registrar's office via email.
      • The Registrar's office will review the request.
      • Any request that is clearly due to student preference (rather than need) will not be processed. The Registrar's office will respond to any denied request.
      • Student requests will be sent to the appropriate academic department for processing.

I'm a first-year student in my second semester (or sophomore, junior, or senior). How do I change my First-Year Writing (WRT) placement (or course)?

  • First, review the information above about WRT 120 and WRT 123.
  • If you have questions about WRT 120 and WRT 123, contact or your advisor.
  • Submit this webform to request to take WRT 120 instead of WRT 123. Please allow 2-3 business days for the First-Year Writing Director to review and process your request. The English Department will then need to enroll you in WRT 120.

Why don't I see a First-Year Writing (WRT) course on on my first-semester schedule?

 If you do NOT see a First-Year Writing (WRT) course on your first-semester schedule, it could mean one of the following:
  • Your home (or major/pre-major) department has determined that it may be best to take the course in another semester.
  • You haven't taken the WRITESurvey, so we can't place you appropriately in the course sequence that will best fit your needs.
  • There are no available seats in the course sequence that best fits your needs.