Event Calendar

October 2024 

Wellness Promotion looks forward to seeing you at our department events this year! Below is a calendar of our events; please visit RamConnect (Group: Wellness Promotion) to learn more and to register for events.

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday



October 1

BeWell Hut: Find Your Purpose. 2:30 - 3:30 pm. Outside SECC.

October 2


October 3


October 4

October 7

BeWell Hut: Prep for Fall Break. 1:30 - 2:30 pm. Outside SECC. 

Decisions About Drinking: 2 - 3:30 pm. Register for location. 

October 8

Dimensions of Wellness: 12:30 - 1:30 pm. Commuter Lounge. 

October 9

October 10


October 11


October 14

Fall break

October 15

Fall break

October 16

October 17

BeWell Hut: Mental Health: Warning Signs & Tips. 11:30 am - 12:30 pm. Outside SECC. 

Allyship in Recovery: Becoming Recovery-Informed Training (Staff/Faculty). 2 - 4 pm. Register for zoom link.

October 18

Decisions About Drinking: 3 - 4:30 pm. Register for zoom link.

October 21

Mindful Rams: 4-week email program starts today! Click the link to register!

Narcan Training: 11:15 - 11:45 am. SECC 209.

Bloom and Bond: Silent Book Club: 3 - 4pm. SECC Bridge. 

October 22

BeWell Hut: Homecoming/Family Weekend. 1 - 2 pm. Outside Starbucks. 

October 23

October 24

BeWell Hut: Mental Health: Ghosts & Gratitude. 11:30 am - 12:30 pm. Outside SECC. 


October 25

HalloWellness: Pumpkins and Positivity BeWell Hut. 11:30 - 12:30 pm. Outside SECC.

October 28

BeWell Hut: Condoms & Candy. 11 - 12 pm. Outside SECC.

October 29

BeWell Hut: Don't Get Spooked, Be Brave! 2:30 - 3:30 pm. Outside SECC. 

October 30

October 31

Halloween RamCab Trivia! 1-3 pm. 


Register Anytime:

BASICS: learn about your relationship with alcohol.

CASICS: learn about your relationship with cannabis.

Wellness Coaching: 3 sessions to enhance your health and well-being.