
Revised December, 2022

To ensure that West Chester University faculty are well recognized, the University supports the following awards. Below is an overview of these awards.

Campus Diversity Award

The WCU Campus Diversity Award honors adjunct or full-time faculty members who have made outstanding contributions to the spirit of diversity on the West Chester University campus.

E. Riley Holman Memorial Faculty Award

The E. Riley Holman Memorial Faculty Award honors a faculty member who demonstrates innovative teaching techniques that foster student creativity.

Deans' Award for Teaching Excellence In General Education

The Deans' Award for Teaching Excellence in General Education honors a faculty member who has contributed significantly to the general education program at West Chester University.

Distinguished Research Award

The Distinguished Research Award recognizes a faculty member who has made a significant contribution to the scholarship of the University community.

Emeritus/Emerita Designation

Emeritus/Emerita status is conferred on retiring or retired members of the faculty whose contribution to the university has been exemplary.

Lindback Distinguished Teaching Award

The Lindback Distinguished Teaching Award is presented to a faculty member for demonstrated excellence in teaching, the development of a course(s) based upon innovative concepts, or the development of an innovative method of teaching.

Trustees' Achievement Award

The Trustees Achievement Award recognizes distinguished scholarly and creative work by a current West Chester University faculty member: specific, original contributions to a discipline (as in a research study, monograph, scholarly paper, literary work, musical composition, or work of art), or a significant collective body of work. Emphasis is on the national and international contribution of the scholarly work. Applications are to be evaluated by a panel of independent evaluators in the candidate's field. Criteria include significance, quality, and originality of work within the discipline.