WCU participation in Pennsylvania Transfer & Articulation Legislation
Pennsylvania Transfer and articulation legislation (TAOC Act 76 of 2019) requires all PA colleges and universities to make public articulation agreements. These articulation agreements are housed in a single electronic database managed by the Pennsylvania Department of Education. In addition, the legislation requires colleges and universities, to include West Chester University, to report student-level data as it relates to students transferring from institutions with which WCU has articulation agreements.
West Chester University is required to submit student record data to PDE to fulfill this legislative requirement and to provide students with the opportunity to opt-out of this data collection.
The below information is intended to inform students who transferred to WCU as part of an articulation agreement of the university reporting requirement and the rights students have to opt-out of this central reporting.
What students are included in the reporting requirement?
At this time students who transfer to WCU as part of an articulation agreement or a TAOC program to program agreement are included in the reporting requirement. West Chester University has articulation agreements with the following institutions which they form the basis for the Fall 2022 submission:
- Delaware County Community College Dual Admission Agreement
- Delaware County Community College Co-Admissions Agreement
- Delaware County Community College Nursing Concurrent Enrollment Agreement
- Montgomery County Community College Dual Admission Agreement
- Manor College Computer Science Articulation Agreement
- Good Fellowship Club of Chester County Health Sciences Articulation Agreement
- TAOC Program to Program
Any student admitted during summer 22, fall 22, and spring 23 under one of these agreements will be included in the fall 23 file submission.
What data does WCU share with PDE?
WCU shares the following student-level data elements with PDE for students who do not opt-out:
- PA Student ID
- Legal Name
- Date of Birth
- Social Security Number
- WCU ID Number
- First generation status if applicable
- Sex
- Race
- Nonresident alien indicator if applicable
- Military Status
- Single parent status
- Has dependent indicator
- Economically disadvantaged indictor
- Permanent Address
- Homeless Indicator
- Semester started at WCU
Student Opt-Out
WCU Students may opt-out of a commonwealth data collection by submitting the Postsecondary Data Collection Opt-Out Form.
The deadline for opting out is June 15. Students wishing to opt-out who do not complete the opt-out form by June 15th should email registrar@wcupa.edu to opt-out.
Students are responsible for opting out each academic year.
Please email registrar@wcupa.edu with any questions.