Statistical consulting - sta540
Course Objectives
- Set up and manage a statistical consulting meeting.
- Handle difficult issues that may arise as part of a statistical consulting session/project.
- Learn and practice communications skills required for successful statistical consulting.
- Critique and assist with design of study for a real project.
- Decide upon the appropriate statistical methodology and employ that methodology to a real statistical project.
- Create and present a high-quality report (oral and written) for a real project.
Course Topics
This course discusses the skills needed to be successful in different consulting environments. It will provide detailed instruction on use of communication skills and consulting strategies. Several interactive case studies will be presented. Then, students will be required to work as part of a team on a real consulting project. Students will be involved in a consulting session with clients, research and carry out the data analysis, and present the final results in another consulting meeting. Statistical methods from previous courses may be applied to the data for the projects. In addition, new statistical techniques may be taught as part of the class if the projects require statistical methodologies not introduced in previous classes.
Example Syllabus