All Science Poster Day Fall 2016

You all have done wonderful work to present your research! Special congratulation to Lane for winning the 1st place for graduate student poster presentations, and Cam and Stacy for winning the 2nd place of undergraduate student poster presentations! Below are some pictures from the day. A big shout out for all the students who presented their posters.

  • Students at All Science Poster Day Fall 2016

    Students in the mathematics department did quite well, with Lane D’Alessandro taking first prize in the graduate student category, and Stacy Porten-Willson and Cameron Campbell taking second prize in the undergraduate student category.

  • Students at All Science Poster Day Fall 2016

    Lane D’Alessandro, a graduate student working with Dr. Allison Kolpas, received first prize in the graduate student category. Read the 


    for Lane's poster, and another to the pdf file for the poster  itself.

  • Students at All Science Poster Day Fall 2016

    Cameron and Stacy, undergraduate students working with Dr. Chuan Li, with their winning poster. Read the 


    for Cameron- and Stacy's poster, and to open the pdf file for the poster  itself. Here is a close-up of Stacy's 

  • Students at All Science Poster Day Fall 2016

    Ryan Moser, an undergraduate student working with Dr. Chuan Li, with his poster. Follow the links to open the pdf file for Ryan's poster , and also to read the 



  • Students at All Science Poster Day Fall 2016

    Ben Plumridge, a graduate student working with Dr. Andreas Aristotelous, explaining the topic of his poster to another student. Here are links to the pdf file for Ben's poster , and the 

