Student Research

Opportunities for Student Research

All of the Biology faculty hold doctoral degrees and most are actively engaged in research in such areas as molecular genetics, immunology, cell physiology, ecology, and functional morphology. The faculty are nationally and internationally recognized with over 50 articles and papers appearing over the last five years in prestigious journals. Almost half of the faculty have recently received grant support from either the National Institutes of Health or the National Science Foundation. Research facilities, as well as classrooms, are equipped with state-of-the-art equipment such as liquid scintillation and gamma counters, spectrophotometers with recorders, a digitized HPLC system, and scanning and transmitting electron microscopes. The Biology Department also manages the 20,000 specimen William Darlington Herbarium and a 126-acre Robert B. Gordon Natural Area for Environmental Studies.

Undergraduates interested in receiving academic credit for participating in departmental research activities should take BIO 491, Special Problems in Biology. Senior biology majors interested in gaining research experience in an off campus medical, commercial, industrial or government agency should take BIO 409, Internship in Biological Sciences. Students interested in these research opportunities should consult their advisor or any faculty member in their field of interest. An overall GPA of 2.5 and a GPA 2.5 or better in Biology are required before taking BIO 409 or BIO 491.

Many opportunites exist for students to conduct independent research in the laboratories of Biology Faculty. Student research often results in either publications in peer reviewed journals or presentations at national meetings of professional societies. Listed below are representative publications and presentations in which WCU students participated (student names shown in bold; undergraduate students marked with *).

Publications in Peer Reviewed Journals

Ariel Leahy, biology graduate student, published the paper “The role of California sea lion (Zalophus californianus) hindflippers as aquatic control surfaces for maneuverability” in the Journal of Experimental Biology, volume 224 (2021). The paper was co-authored with Dr. Frank Fish, biology, Sarah Kerr, biology graduate student, and Kaitlyn Cardenas, biology undergraduate student.

Dr. Frank Fish, biology, published the paper ”The role of the tail or lack thereof in the evolution of tetrapod aquatic propulsion” in Integrative and Comparative Biology, volume 61(2): 398-413 (2021). Co-authors on the paper included former WCU biology graduate student, Christina Duff, Natalia Rybczynski of the Canadian Museum of Nature, and George Lauder of Harvard University.

Adams, DS and Fish, FE. (2019). Odontocete peduncle tendons for possible control of fluke orientation and flexibility. The Journal of Morphology. DOI: 101002/jmor.21033.

Surwade, P. Ghildyal, C. Weikel, C. Luxton, T. Peloquin, D. Fan, X and Shah, V. (2018). Augmented antibacterial activity of ampicillin with silver nanoparticles against methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). The Journal of Antibiotics.

Konrad, K.D., Campbell, R.A., Thiel, V. and Sullivan-Brown, J. (2018). Folic acid metabolism gene mel-32/Shmt is required for normal cell cycle lengths in Caenorhabditis elegans. International Journal of Developmental Biology 62: 641-645.

L.M. Field, W.R. Fagerberg, S.A. Böttger. 2018. Survey for the presence of a vitronectin–like protein in micro- and macroalgae and cyanobacteria. Journal of Phycology 54: 299-303.

Dr. Frank Fish, Kelsey Tennett, and Dr. Anthony Nicastro (2018). Terrestrial locomotion of the northern elephant seal (Mirounga angustirostris): limitation of large aquatically adapted seals on land? Experimental Biology 221, jeb180117, dot: 10.1242/jeb 180117. The article was also co-authored with Dr. Daniel Costa of the University of California Santa Cruz.

Schedlbauer, J.L., N. Fetcher, K. Hood, M.L. Moody, & J. Tang. 2018. Effect of growth temperature on photosynthetic capacity and respiration in three ecotypes of Eriophorum vaginatum. Ecology & Evolution 8 (7): 3711-3725.

Havrilchak, N.A. and J.L. Schedlbauer. 2018. Plant physiological changes along an encroachment gradient: an assessment of U.S. Mid-Atlantic serpentine barrens. Journal of Plant Ecology

L.M. Field, W.R. Fagerberg, K.K. Gatto, S.A. Böttger. 2017. A comparison of protein extraction methods optimizing high protein yields from marine algae and cyanobacteria. Journal of Applied Phycology 29: 1271-78.

Fish, F. E., Schreiber, C. M.*, Moored, K. M., Liu, G., Dong, H. and Bart-Smith, H. 2016. Hydrodynamic performance of aquatic flapping: Efficiency of underwater flight in the manta. Aerospace 3(3): 20; doi:10.3390/aerospace3030020.

Pisciotta, J. and J. Dolceamore, Jr. 2016. “Bioelectrochemical and Conventional Bioremediation of Environmental Pollutants” J. Microbial & Biochemical Technology. 8(4): 327-343.

Auld, J. R., A. D. Helker* & A. Kolpas. 2016. Consequences of mating and predation risk for longevity in a freshwater snail: Abstinence makes the heart beat longer. Journal of Evolutionary Biology in press.

Fish, F.E. and Timm, L. “Flow through the nasal cavity of the spiny dogfish, Squalus acanthias” in the European Physical Journal Special Topics 224: 3407-3417 (2015).

Auld, J.R. & R. Houser. 2015. Age-dependent effects of predation risk on reproductive success in a freshwater snail. Evolution in press.

Fish, F., Ginter Summarell, C.*, and Marshall, C. "Comparative analysis of the flexural stiffness of pinnipeds vibrissae” in the on-line journal PLOS ONE (DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0127941) (2015).

Fish, F. and Goughand, W. 2015. "Aquatic burst locomotion by hydroplaning and running in common eiders (Somateria mollissima)” that was published in the Journal of Experimental Biology 218: 1632-1638.

Pagán OR, Montgomery E, Deats S, Bach D, Baker D. Evidence of Nicotine-Induced, Curare-Insensitive, Behavior in Planarians. Neurochem Res. 2015 Jan 23. [Epub ahead of print] PMID: 25614180.

R. Pool, G.D. Turner, S.A. Böttger.2014. Recommended ecology content in introductory biology courses: Comparison between rural, suburban and urban colleges. The American Biology Teacher 75: 544-9.

Auld, J. R. & J. F. Henkel*. 2014. Diet alters delayed selfing, inbreeding depression, and reproductive senescence in a freshwater snail. Ecology & Evolution in press.

Bukowski, S.J. & J.R. Auld. 2014. The effects of calcium in mediating the inducible morphological defenses of a freshwater snail, Physa acuta. Aquatic Ecology 48:85-90.

Do, T.-V., Xiao, F., Bickel, L.E., Klein-Szanto, A.J., Pathak, H.B., Hua, X., Howe, C., O’Brien, S. W., Maglaty, M., Ecsedy, J.A., Golemis, E.A., Schilder, R.J., Godwin, A.K., and Connolly, D.C. Aurora kinase A mediates epithelial ovarian cancer migration and adhesion. Oncogene. 2013 Jan 21.

Liu, H., Xiao, F., Serebriiskii, I.G., O’Brien, S.W., Maglaty, M.A., Astsaturov, I., Martin, L.P., Litwin, S., Proia, D.A., Golemis, E.A. and Connolly, D.C. Network analysis identifies an HSP90-central hub susceptible in ovarian cancer. Clin. Cancer Res. 2013 Jul 30.

N.G. Taraska*, S.A. Böttger. 2013. Selective initiation and transmission of disseminated neoplasia in the soft shell clam Mya arenaria dependent on natural disease prevalence and animal size. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology 112: 94-101.

Pool, R., Turner, G.D., and Böttger, S.A. 2013. Recommended ecology content in introductory biology courses: comparisons between rural, suburban, and urban colleges. The American Biology Teacher 75 (8): 544-549.

Schedlbauer, J.L. & V.L. Pistoia. 2013. Water relations of an encroaching vine and two dominant C4 grasses in the serpentine barrens of southeastern Pennsylvania. Journal of the Torrey Botanical Society

Janet E. Fontanella*, Frank E. Fish, Elizabeth I. Barchi*, Regina Campbell-Malone, Rachel H. Nichols, Nicole K. DiNenno*, John T. Beneski "Two- and three-dimensional geometries of batoids in relation to locomotor mode". Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 446: 273-281 (2013).

Rachel Stern*, Gregory D. Turner, and Gerard D. Hertel. 2013. The status of White oak (Quercus alba) Trees at the Gordon Natural Area, Chester County, Pennsylvania. Journal of the Pennsylvania Academy of Science. 87(1): 16-19.

O.R. Pagán, S. Deats, D. Baker, E. Montgomery, G. Wilk, M. Tenaglia, and J. Semon published: "Planarians require an intact brain to behaviorally react to cocaine, but not to react to nicotine. Neuroscience." 2013. doi:pii: S0306-4522(13)00422-3. 10.1016/j.neuroscience.2013.05.010.

Hensley, H.H., Roder, N.A., O’Brien, S.W.*, Bickel, L.E., Xiao, F., Litwin S., and Connolly, D.C. 2012. Combined in vivo molecular and anatomic imaging for detection of ovarian carcinoma-associated protease activity and integrin expression in mice. Neoplasia 14:451-462.

L. Timm and F.E. Fish. "A comparative morphological study of head shape and olfactory cavities of sharks inhabiting benthic and coastal/pelagic environments" in the Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 414-415: 75-84 (2012).

M.Pugliese*, S.A. Böttger, and F.E. Fish. “Barnacle bonding: Morphology of attachment of Xenobalanus globicipitis to its host Tursiops truncatus” in the Journal of Morphology 273:453-459 (2012).

M. Knabb, B. Miezeiewski, K. McSane-Kay*, R. Woodruff, and G. Mbuy. 2012. "Herpes simplex virus type 2 infectivity in gap junctional intercellullar communication-competent and --deficient cell lines," Intervirology DOI:10.1159/000339301.

F.E. Fish, C. Ginter*, T. DeWitt, and C. Marshall. “Fused traditional and geometric morphometrics demonstrate pinniped whisker diversity” PloS ONE 7(4): e34481. Doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0034481 (2012).

G.W. Fairchild, C. Robinson, A. Brainard and G. Coutu. "Historical changes in the distribution and abundance of constructed ponds in an urbanizing watershed." in Landscape Research DOI:10.1080/01426397.2012.672640 (2012).

O.R. Pagán, D. Baker, Sean Deats, E. Montgomery*, M. Tenaglia*, C. Randolph*, D. Kotturu*, D. Bach*, G. Wilk*, S. Rawls*, C. Tallarida* and R.B. Raffa*. "Planarians in pharmacology: parthenolide is a specific behavioral antagonist of cocaine in the planarian Girardia tigrina" in Int. J. Dev. Biol. 56: 193-196 doi: 10.1387/ijdb.113486op (2012).

Brainard, A.S., and G.W. Fairchild. 2012. Sediment characteristics and accumulation rates in constructed ponds. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation.

Ginter, C. C., Böttger,S. A. and Fish, F. E. 2011. Morphology and microanatomy of harbor porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) dorsal fin tubercles. Journal of Morphology 272: 27-33.

Parson, J., Fish, F. E., and Nicastro, A. J. 2011. Turning performance in batoid rays: Limitations of a rigid body. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 402: 12-18. (doi:10.1016/j.jembe.2011.03.010)

Fontanella, J. E.*, Fish, F. E., Rybczynski, N., Nweeia, M. T. and Ketten, D. R. (2011). Three-dimensional geometry of the narwhal (Monodon monoceros) flukes in relation to hydrodynamics. Marine Mammal Science (DOI: 10.1111/j.1748-7692.2010.00439.x).

D. Baker, P. Boor*, O. Pagán, S. Deats, and J. Pruitt. "Minimal structural requirements of alkyl γ-lactones capable of antagonizing the cocaine-induced motility decrease in planarians" in Pharmacol Biochem Behav. 2011

Ginter, C. C., Fish, F. E. and Marshall, C. D. 2010. Morphological analysis of the bumpy profile of phocid vibrissae. Marine Mammal Science 26(3): 733-743.

Brown, Patrick T.*, Herbert, Paul* and Woodruff, R.I. (2010). Vitellogenesis in Oncopeltus fasciatus: PL-C/ IP3, DAG/ PK-C pathway triggered by CaM. J. Insect Physiology 56: 1300-1305.

Coughlin, B. L.* and Fish, F. E. (2009). Underwater locomotion of the hippopotamus: reduced gravity movements for a massive mammal. Journal of Mammalogy 90(3): 675-679.

Pugliesi, L.*, Casotti, G. and Woodruff, R.I. (2009). Serial Sections with plastic-embedded tissue. Pa. Acc. Sci. Journal 84: 45-47.

Cieniewicz, A.M.* and Woodruff, R.I. (2009). Passage through vertebrate gap junctions of 17/18 kDa molecules is primarily dependent upon molecular configuration. Tissue & Cell 41: 47-52.

Munley, S.M.*, Kinzler, S.*, Lizzano, R.* and Woodruff, R.I. (2009). Fractional contribution of major ions to the membrane potential of Drosophila melanogaster oocytes. Arch. Insect Biochem. Physiol. 70: 230-243.

Pagán OR, Coudron T* and Kaneria T* (2009) The Flatworm Planaria as a Toxicology and Behavioral Pharmacology Animal Model in Undergraduate Research Experiences. The Journal of Undergraduate Neuroscience Education (JUNE), 7(2):A48-A52.

Pagán OR, Rowlands AL*, Fattore AL*, Coudron T*, Urban KR, Bidja AH*, Eterović VA (2009) A cembranoid from tobacco prevents the expression of nicotine-induced withdrawal behavior in planarian worms. European Journal of Pharmacology. 615(1-3):118-24.

Rowlands AL* and Pagán OR (2008) Parthenolide prevents the expression of cocaine-induced withdrawal behavior in planarians. European Journal of Pharmacology 583(1):170-172.

Pagán OR, Rowlands AL*, Azam M, Urban KR, Bidja AH*, Roy DM*, Feeney RB* and Afshari LK* (2008) Reversal of cocaine-induced planarian behavior by parthenolide and related sesquiterpene lactones. Pharmacology, Biochemistry and Behavior 89(2):160-170.

Cieniewicz, A.M.* and Woodruff, R.I. (2008). Importance of molecular configuration in gap junctional permeability. J. Insect Physiology 54: 1293-1300.

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Casotti, G., Waldron, T.*, Misquith, G., Powers, D. and Slusher, L. (2007). Expression and localization of an AQP-1 homologue in the kidney and lower intestine of the house sparrow, Passer domesticus. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology 147, 355-362.

Kojeszewski, T.* and Fish, F. E. (2007). Swimming kinematics of the Florida manatee (Trichechus manatus latirostris): Hydrodynamic analysis of an undulatory mammalian swimmer. Journal of Experimental Biology 210: 2411-2418.

Knabb, M.T., Danielson, C.A.*, McShane-Kay, K.*, Mbuy, G.K.N., Woodruff, R.I. (2007). Herpes simplex virus-type 2 infectivity and agents that block gap junctional intercellular communication. Virus Res. 124: 212-219

Curran, J.E.* and Woodruff, R.I. (2007). Passage of 17 kDa calmodulin through gap junctions of three vertebrate species. Tissue & Cell 39: 303-309.

Fish, F. E., Nusbaum, M. K.*, Beneski J. T. and Ketten, D. R. (2006). Passive cambering and flexible propulsors: cetacean flukes. Bioinspiration and Biomimetics 1: S42-S48.

Pagán, Oné R., A. L. Rowlands* and K. R. Urban. 2006. Toxicity and behavioral effects of dimethylsulfoxide in planaria. Neuroscience Letters 407(3):274-8.

Bartholomew-Began, S. and N. L. Jones. 2005. Juvenile gametophyte development in the Blasiales (Marchantiophyta; Metzgeriidae). 1. Receptacular gemmae/gemmaling ontogeny of Blasia pusilla. The Bryologist 108(4): 497-505.

Brooks, R.A.* and Woodruff, R.I. 2004. Calmodulin Transmitted Through Gap Junctions Stimulates Endocytic Incorporation of Yolk Precursors in Insect Oocytes. Devel. Biol. 271: 339-349.

Maresh, J. L.*,Fish, F. E., Nowacek, D. P. and Nowacek, S. M. 2004. High performance turning capabilities during foraging by bottlenose dolphins. Marine Mammal Science 20(3): 498-509.

Fish, F. E., Peacock, J. E.*, and Rohr, J. J. 2003. Stabilization mechanism in swimming odontocete cetaceans by phased movements. Marine Mammal Science 19(3): 515-528.

Triano, E.A, L.B. Slusher, T.A. Atkins, J.T. Beneski, S.A. Gestl, R. Zolfaghari, R. Polavarapu, E. Frauenhoffer, and J. Weisz. 2003. Class I Alcohol Dehydorgenase is highly expressed in normal human mammary epithelium but not in invasive breast cancer: Implications for breast carcinogenesis. Cancer Research 63:3092-3100.

Davis, A., L.B. Slusher, and J.T. Beneski. 2002. A novel method for extraction and amplification of DNA from salamanders. Herpetological Review 33:104-105.

Fish, F. E., Smelstoys, J.*, Baudinette, R. V. and Reynolds, P. S. 2002. Fur doesn’t fly, it floats: buoyancy of hair in semi-aquatic mammals. Aquatic Mammals 28.2: 103-112.

Musée, J.*, Mbuy, G.N.K. and Woodruff, R.I. 2002. Antiviral agents alter ability of hsv-2 to disrupt gap junctional intercellular communication between mammalian cells in vitro. J. Antiviral Research, 56: 143-151.

Waksmonski, S.L.* and Woodruff, R.I. 2002. For uptake of yolk precursor, epithelial cell-oocyte gap junctional communication is required by insects representing six different orders. J. Insect Phys. 48:667-675.

Anderson, K.L. and R.I. Woodruff 2001. A gap junctionally transmitted epithelial cell signal regulates endocytic yolk uptake in oncopeltus fasciatus. Dev. Biol. 239: 68-78.

Fischer, N.O.*, G.N.K. Mbuy, and R.I. Woodruff. 2001. HSV-2 disrupts gap junctional intercellular communication between mammalian cells in vitro. J. Viro. Methods. 91(2): 157-166.

Fish, F. E., Frappell, P. B, Baudinette, R. V., and MacFarlane, P. M. 2001. Energetics of terrestrial locomotion of the platypus Ornithorhynchus anatinus. Journal of Experimental Biology 204(4): 797-803.

Glatt, C., Slusher, L.B., Lladics, G., and Davis, L. 2001. Analysis of the high density gene array: Examining differential gene expression in human breast cancer. Pharmacological and Taxocological Methods 31:1223-1231.

Adler, Erika L.* and R.I. Woodruff. 2000. Varied effects of 1-octanol on gap junctional communication between ovarian epithelial cells and oocytes of Oncopeltus fasciatus, Hyalophora cecropia, and Drosophila melanogaster. Arch. Insect. Biochem. Physiol. 43: 22-32.

Carfioli M.A*., Tiebout III, H.M., Pagano, S.A*., Heister, K.M. and Lutcher, F.C.* (2000). Monitoring Plethodon cinereus populations: field tests of experimental coverboard designs, Chapter 26, Pp. 463-475 In R. C. Bruce, R. J. Jaeger, and L. D. Houck (Eds.) The Biology of the Plethodontid Salamanders, Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, New York.

Cole, R.W. and R.I. Woodruff (2000). Vitellogenic ovarian follicles of Drosophila exhibit a charge dependent distribution of endogenous solulble proteins. J. Insect Physiol. 46: 1239-1248.

Fish, F. E. and Shannahan, L.D.* 2000. The role of the pectoral fins in body trim of sharks. Journal of Fish Biology 56(5): 1062-1073.

Fish, F. E., Peacock, J. E.* and Rohr, J. 2000. Phase relationships between body components of odontocete cetaceans in relation to stability and propulsive mechanisms. Pp. 57-60. In: Proceedings of the 1st International Symposium on Aqua Bio-Mechanisms/ International Seminar on Aqua Bio-Mechanisms (N. Kato and Y. Suzuki), Tokai University Pacific Center, Honolulu, Hawaii.

Brainerd, E. L., Page, B. N. and Fish, F. E. 1997. Opercular jetting during fast starts by flatfishes: Adhesion attenuation or jet propulsion? Journal of Experimental Biology, 200: 1179-1188.

Fish, F. E., Baudinette, R. V., Frappell, P. and Sarre, M. 1997. Energetics of swimming by the platypus (Ornithorhynchus anatinus): Metabolic effort associated with rowing. Journal of Experimental Biology, 200: 2647-2652.

Cole, R.W., and R.I. Woodruff (1997). Charge dependent distribution of endogenous proteins within ovarian follicles of Actias luna. J. Insect Physiol.43: 275-287

Aigeldinger, T. L.*, and Fish, F. E. 1995. Hydroplaning by ducklings: Overcoming limitations to swimming at the water surface. Journal of Experimental Biology, 198: 1567-1574.

Fish, F. E. and Battle, J. M.* 1995. Hydrodynamic design of the humpback whale flipper. Journal of Morphology, 225: 51-60.

Fish, F. E., Fegely, J. F.* and Xanthopoulos, C. J.* 1991. Burst-and-coast swimming in schooling fish (Notemigonus crysoleucas) with implications for energy economy. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part A, 100A(3): 633-637.

Woodruff, R.I., J.H. Kulp*, and E.D. LaGaccia*.(1988). Electrically mediated protein movement in Drosophila follicles. Roux's Arch. Devel. Biol., 197 :231-238.

Fish, F. E. and Cosgrove, L. A.* 1987. Behavioral thermoregulation of small American alligators in water: Postural changes in relation to the thermal environment. Copeia, 1987(3): 804-807.

Woodruff, R.I., and K.L. Anderson (1984). Nutritive cord connection and dye coupling of the follicular epithelium to the growing oocyte in telotrophic ovarioles in Oncopeltus fasciatus, the milkweed bug. Roux's Arch. Devel. Biol., 193: 158-163.

Presentations and Published Abstracts

Dr. Frank Fish, biology, and Ariel Leahy, biology graduate student, presented a paper “Hydrodynamics of a crenelated delta wing design of the hindflippers of the California sea lion” at the Annual Meeting of the Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology, Austin, TX, January 3-7, 2020.

Dr. Frank Fish, biology, Abigail Downs, biology graduate student (presenter), and Allison Kolpas, mathematics, coauthored a presentation “Turning performance by bluefin tuna: Novel mechanism for rapid maneuvers with a rigid body” at the Annual Meeting of the Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology, Austin, TX, January 3-7, 2020.

Dr. Frank Fish, biology, Ariel Leahy, biology graduate student (presenter), and Sarah Kerr, biology graduate student coauthored a presentation “Value of the California sea lion (Zalophus californianus) hindflippers during porpoising and turning maneuvers” presented at the Annual Meeting of the Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology, Austin, TX, January 3-7, 2020.

Dr. Frank Fish, biology, William Gough, former biology graduate student, and Danielle Adams, former biology graduate student, coauthored a presentation “Inverse dynamics analysis of dolphin swimming” presented at the Annual Meeting of the Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology, Austin, TX, January 3-7, 2020.

Dr. Frank Fish, biology, and William Gough, former biology graduate student, coauthored a presentation “The physics of whale movement: Drag and thrust production to measure whale propulsive efficiency” presented at the Annual Meeting of the Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology, Austin, TX, January 3-7, 2020.

Maya Sengha presented a poster titled "Cocaine Antagonism in mice open field behaviors" at the Society for Neuroscience 2019, held in Chicago. The coauthors of the poster are Oné Pagan and Eric Sweet.

Dr. Jessica Schedlbauer and Biology graduate student Sarah Polohovich presented the poster, Current and future carbon storage capacity in a southeastern Pennsylvania forest, at the Northeastern Ecology Conference held on September 28th at the Lacawac Sanctuary and Biological Field Station.

Biology undergraduate student Samantha Silverman presented a poster titled “Probability of spotted lanternfly capture depends on life stage and band type” at the Northeastern Ecology Conference at Lacawac Sanctuary. Samantha was supervised by Dr. Jennifer Chandler.

Adams, D. and Fish, F. 2018 “The role of flippers, flukes, and body flexibility in blue whale maneuvering performance” at the Annual Meeting of the Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology in San Francisco, CA, January 3-7, 2018.

Hornbach P. and Pisciotta, J. 2017 "Arsenic Bioremediation via Mineral Adsorption and Fungal Biomethylation" at the Partnerships in Biocontrol, Biostimulants & Microbiome Conference, November 2nd-3rd, 2017 in Philadelphia, PA.

John M. Pisciotta, Nik Cassidy*, Peter Hornbach*, Deveon Barbieri*, Archana Chungapally*, Enrique Mentado-Sosa*and Enzo Kerr*. 2017. "Wind-Actuated Vibrating Electrochemical (WAVE) Digester" at the EPA's People Planet Prosperity (P3) Tech-Connect Conference, May 15-16, 2017 in Washington DC.

Jen Maresh and Danielle Adams. 2017. "Mammalian reproductive investment strategies: an emergent property of the interplay between maternal body size and environmental productivity?" at the 12th International Mammalogical Congress in Perth, Australia in July 2017.

Danielle Adams and Jen Maresh. 2017. "Maternal investment strategies in marine and terrestrial mammals: the effects of ecology and phylogeny on patterns of reproductive energetics" for the 22nd Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals in Halifax, Canada in October 2017.

Bertoline, A.* and Schedlbauer, J. 2017. 'Ecological integrity of edge and interior environments at West Chester University's Gordon Natural Area' (presented at the Pennsylvania Academy of Science Annual Meeting, held at King's College, Wilkes-Barre, PA, April 11).

Tennett, T. A., Costa, D. P. and Fish, F. E. 2017. Terrestrial locomotion of a massive amphibious mammal: Constraints of northern elephant seals on land. (Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology, New Orleans, LA, January 3-7).

Gough, W. T., Fish, F. E., Lewis, G. T. and Bart-Smith, H. 2017. Physical properties and anisotropy in the central tissue layer of cetacean tail flukes. (Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology, New Orleans, LA, January 3-7).

Adams, D. S., Gallagher, E. E.*, Gough, W. T., Tennett, K. A. and Fish, F. E. 2017. Passive spanwise flexibility of harbor porpoise flukes: Equivalence of dorsal and ventral flexion. (Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology, New Orleans, LA, January 3-7).

2016. Gough, W., Fish, F. and Bart-Smith, H. Physical properties of the sub-dermal fibrous layers in cetacean tail flukes. (Presented at the International Congress of Vertebrate Morphology (ICVM 11), Washington, DC, June 29-July 3).

Pisciotta, J. and N. Russo*. “Antibacterial Action of Copper Plus Blue Light.” Presented at the 2016 ASM Microbe National Meeting in Boston MA.

Pisciotta, J. and P. Minka. “Effect of Cathode Depth on Sediment Microbial Fuel Cell Performance.” Presented at the 2016 ASM Microbe National Meeting in Boston MA.

Klein, J. and Turner, G. 2016. "Urban forest community structure, health, and carbon sequestration" at the 27th Annual Sigma Xi Student Research Symposium held at St. Joseph’s University, Philadelphia, April 15th.

Mauch, C.*, J. Schedlbauer, and L. Bernhardt*. 2016. Baseline soil pH and texture at the Mount Cuba Center’s experimental reforestation experiment, Hockessin, DE. Virtual Poster Showcase, American Geophysical Union, March 30-April 28.

Frank Fish and William Gough. “Morphological design and flexibility in the flukes of cetaceans”. ONR-MURI Program Review Meeting: Hydrodynamics of non-traditional propulsion bio-inspired flexible propulsors for fast, efficient swimming: What physics are we missing? held at West Chester University, PA on March 8-9, 2016.

Fish, F. E., Gough, W. T., Tennett, K. A., Adams, D. S.*, and St Leger, J. Flexibility of the flukes of free-swimming cetaceans. (Presented at the 2016 Annual Meeting of the Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology, Portland, OR, January 3-7).

Adams, D. S.*, Lewis, G., and Fish, F. E. Assessment of swimming records for thunniform propulsors. (Presented at the 2016 Annual Meeting of the Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology, Portland, OR, January 3-7).

Gough, W. T. and Fish, F. E. Physical properties of the sub-dermal fibrous layers in cetacean tail flukes. (Presented at the 2016 Annual Meeting of the Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology, Portland, OR, January 3-7).

Tennett, T. A., Costa, D. P., and Fish, F. E. Kinematics of terrestrial locomotion of northern elephant seals. (Presented at the 2016 Annual Meeting of the Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology, Portland, OR, January 3-7).

Frank Fish, Danielle Adams*, Kelsey Tennett, and William Gough. “Dynamics and construction with regard to flexibility in the propulsors of cetaceans”. Semi-annual Office of Naval Research -Multi-disciplinary University Research Initiative (ONR-MURI) Meeting: Hydrodynamics of non-traditional propulsion bio-inspired flexible propulsors for fast, efficient swimming: What physics are we missing? at Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA, on September 21, 2015.

Havrilchak, N.A. and J.L. Schedlbauer. Photosynthetic responses of two dominant grasses and an encroaching vine in serpentine barrens of southeastern Pennsylvania. 2015 Ecological Society of America's 100th Annual Meeting in Baltimore, Md.

Charitonchick, D.A. and J. L. Schedlbauer. The seed banks of Mid-Atlantic forest fragments: Influx of non-native species and implications for forest regeneration. 2015 Ecological Society of America's 100th Annual Meeting in Baltimore, Md.

Schedlbauer, J.L., C. Cooper*, and J. Hom. A common garden experiment: tree physiological performance across a suburban to urban gradient. 2015 Ecological Society of America's 100th Annual Meeting in Baltimore, Md.

Jessica Hoffman and Frank Fish presented “Stability design and response to waves by batoids” at the Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology Meeting in West Palm Beach, FL., January 3-7, 2015.

Jesse Armine* and Jessica Schedlbauer. Effect of trail type on the diversity of native and invasive plant species in the Bull Mountain Wilderness, Maryland. Annual Sigma Xi Student Research Symposium, April 12, 2014, St. Joseph's University.

Jessica Bondy*, Julie Storm*, and Xin Fan. The pathogenesis of Haemophilus influenzae LicB in vivo. Annual Sigma Xi Student Research Symposium, April 12, 2014, St. Joseph's University.

Dana Charitonchick and Jessica Schedlbauer. Determining the seed bank composition of an eastern deciduous forest fragment in southeast Pennsylvania. Annual Sigma Xi Student Research Symposium, April 12, 2014, St. Joseph's University.

Bill Collins* and Win Fairchild. The effects of light and age on phenotypic plasticity in an invasive vine species, Celastrus orbiculatus (oriental bittersweet). Annual Sigma Xi Student Research Symposium, April 12, 2014, St. Joseph's University.

Lauren Neel* and Josh Auld. When to mate when death is on the line in Physa acuta. Annual Sigma Xi Student Research Symposium, April 12, 2014, St. Joseph's University.

Kelly Ryan* and Greg Turner. Forest health status at the Gordon Natural Area. Annual Sigma Xi Student Research Symposium, April 12, 2014, St. Joseph's University.

Zack Signora*, Kendra McMillin*, and Greg Turner. An assessment of white ash (Fraxinus americana) as part of an emerald ash borer (Agrilus planipennis) management plan for the Robert B. Gordon Natural Area. Annual Sigma Xi Student Research Symposium, April 12, 2014, St. Joseph's University.

Fish, F.E. and N. DiNenno* presented “The ‘dog paddle’: Stereotypic swimming gait pattern in different dog breeds” at the Annual Meeting of the Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology, Austin, TX, January 3-8, 2014.

Fish, F.E., J. Fontanella*, M. Gabler, and M. Saadat presented “Body density of batoids in relation to ecology: Morphological control of buoyancy” at the Annual Meeting of the Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology, Austin, TX, January 3-8, 2014.

Fish, F.E., M. Gabler, and D. Coughlin presented “Pectoral fin muscular architecture of batoids in relation to ecological lifestyle” at the Annual Meeting of the Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology, Austin, TX, January 3-8, 2014.

C. Cummins* and G. Turner presented “The status of Shagbark hickory (Carya ovata) at the Gordon Natural Area” at the Saint Joseph’s University, 24th Annual Sigma Xi Student Research Symposium, April 19th, 2013 in Philadelphia.

V. Pistoia and J. Schedlbauer presented "The water relations of roundleaf greenbrier (Smilax rotundifolia L.) encroaching on serpentine barren ecosystems in southeastern Pennsylvania" at the Annual Meeting of the Pennsylvania Academy of Science in Bradford, PA on April 6, 2013.

G. Barren* and J. Schedlbauer presented "The effects of prescribed fires and environmental variation on soil respiration in the serpentine barrens of southeastern Pennsylvania" at the Annual Meeting of the Pennsylvania Academy of Science in Bradford, PA on April 6, 2013.

F.E. Fish, J. Fontanella*, N. DiNenno*, and M. Gabler presented “Flow patterns associated with swimming motions of benthic and pelagic batoids as visualized with DPIV” at the Annual Meeting of the Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology in San Francisco, CA, on January 4, 2013.

M. Gabler, J.T. Beneski, S. Mulvany, K. Moored, and F.E. Fish presented “The hydrodynamics of ground effect in relation to the head shape of the spotted eagle ray”, at the Annual Meeting of the Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology in San Francisco, CA, on January 4, 2013.

A. Myhre presented "A comparison of three closely related human lymphoblastoid cell lines with different p53 functionality in the in vitro micronucleus assay" at the Genetic Toxicology Association meeting held in Newark Delaware on Oct. 24, 2012 .

N.G. Taraska*, M. Abgrall, E.L. Fontanella, L. Leblanc, É. Tremblay and S.A. Böttger presented "Hemic Neoplasia and Clam Populations in a Canadian Park: Kouchibouguac National Park" at the Annual Meeting of the Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology, which was held in Charleston, SC, January 3-8 2012.

N.G. Taraska* and S.A. Böttger presented "Hemic Neoplasia: Initiation of hemic neoplasia in the soft-shell clam Mya arenaria – Evidence of Viral Disease Etiology?" at the Annual Meeting of the Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology, which was held in Charleston, SC, January 3-8 2012.

F.E. Fish, J.T. Beneski, M. Gabler, S. Mulvany and K. Moored. “Hydrodynamic function of the cephalic lobes of the cownose ray for bottom swimming stabilization”. Annual Meeting of the Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology, Charleston, SC, January 3-8, 2012.

F.E. Fish, J.T. Beneski, J.E. Fontanella*, E.I. Barchi*, R.H. Nichols, and R. Campbell- Malone. “Batoid out of hell: Hydrodynamic geometry of rays related to swimming mode”. Annual Meeting of the Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology, Charleston, SC, January 3-8, 2012.

F.E. Fish and Jennifer Garrett. “Kinematics of terrestrial locomotion in phocid seals: Importance of spinal flexion by an amphibious mammal”. Annual Meeting of the Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology, Charleston, SC, January 3-8, 2012.

M. Gabler and F.E. Fish presented “Morphometrics, muscle structure, and ray flow visualization: update” at the Biologically-Inspired Autonomous Sea Vehicle ONR MURI Review Meeting, Virginia Tech University, Blacksburg, VA (2012).

J. Hoffman, R. Nichols and F.E. Fish presented “Morphometrics and ray kinematics: update,” at the Biologically-Inspired Autonomous Sea Vehicle MURI Review Meeting held at the University of Virginia, Charlesville, VA, on May 20 2011.

J. DiPhillippo and G. Turner (2011). Ectomycorrhizal colonization and diversity on red oaks are reduced in response to garlic mustard density and extracts. Presented at the Ecological Society of America, 96th Annual Meeting, Austin, TX, August 2011.

Brainard, A., G. Winfield Fairchild, Gary W. Coutu, and Christopher Robinson (2010). Sediment characteristics and accumulation rates in ponds of the Brandywine watershed. Ecological Society of America. Pittsburgh, PA.

Fairchild, G.W., A. Brainard, C. Robinson and G. Coutu (2010). Estimating sediment retention associated with constructed pond proliferation at the landsape scale. Joint Meeting American Society of Limnology and Oceanography, and North American Benthological Society. Albuquerque, NM.

Carly C. Ginter*, S. Anne Böttger and Frank E. Fish (2010). Morphology and Microanatomy of Harbor Porpoise (Phocoena phocoena) Dorsal Fin Tubercles. Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology. January 2010. Seattle, WA. ....view the poster

N.G. Taraska*, S. Anne Böttger (2010). Neoplasia induction using bromodeoxyuridine in the soft-shell clam Mya arenaria. Presented at the annual meeting for the Society for Integrative and Comparative Biology. January 2010. Seattle, WA.

Anne M. Cieniewicz* and Richard I. Woodruff (2009). Configuration superseds molecular weight in determination of vertebrate gap junction permeability. Presented at St. Joseph's University Sigma Xi Research Conference. April, 2009. Philadelphia PA.

Loren Pugliesi*, Giovanni Casotti and Richard I. Woodruff (2009). Serial sections with plastic-embedded material. Presented at St. Joseph's University Sigma Xi Research Conference. April, 2009. Philadelphia PA.

Anne M. Cieniewicz* and Richard I. Woodruff (2008). Epithelial cell-to-epithelial cell gap junctions allow transit of 17kda calmodulin and 18kda troponin-c. Presented at St. Joseph's University Sigma Xi Research Conference. April, 2008. Philadelphia PA.

Anne M. Cieniewicz* and Richard I. Woodruff (2008). Troponin-c (18 kDa), like calmodulin (17 kda), can transit insect gap junctions. Presented at St. Joseph's University Sigma Xi Research Conference. April, 2008. Philadelphia PA.

Dan Maraini*, Matthew Waite, and Richard I. Woodruff (2008). Use of light emitting diodes (led’s) for fluorescence microscopy. Presented at St. Joseph's University Sigma Xi Research Conference. April, 2008. Philadelphia PA.

Ahmad, S.*, M. T. Knabb, G. N.K. Mbuy. (2005) Inhibition of HSV-2 infection by Pilostigma thonningii in Vero cells. Presented at St. Joseph's University Sigma Xi Research Conference. April 8, 2005. Philadelphia PA.

Gichuru, R.*, G.N.K. Mbuy, M. T. Knabb. (2005) Effects of Depo-Provera on Herpes Simplex Virus-2 Infectivity in Rat Liver Epithelial Cells.Presented at St. Joseph's University Sigma Xi Research Conference. April 8, 2005. Philadelphia PA.

DeFulvio, B.*, G.N.K. Mbuy, R.I. Woodruff, M. T. Knabb. (2005) Localization of membrane proteins in communication competent and deficient cell lines following infection with Herpes Simplex Virus- Type 2 (HSV-2). Presented at St. Joseph's University Sigma Xi Research Conference. April 8, 2005. Philadelphia PA.

Patel, A.*, G. N.K. Mbuy, R.I. Woodruff, M. T. Knabb. (2005) Transfection of rat liver epithelial cells (WB) with HSV-2 UL13 protein kinase alters the cellular distribution of Connexin-43 gap junction protein. Presented at St. Joseph's University Sigma Xi Research Conference. April 8, 2005. Philadelphia PA.

Curran, J.* and Woodruff, R.I. (2005). Calmodulin can transit vertebrate Gap junctions of zebrafish (Danio rerio), Medaka fish (Oryzias latipes) and Xenopus laevis. Presented at St. Joseph's University Sigma XiResearch Conference. April 8, 2005. Philadelphia PA.

McShane- Kay, K., G. N.K. Mbuy, R.I. Woodruff, M. T. Knabb. (2004) HSV-2 Infectivity in Gap Junctional IntercellularCommunication-Competent and - Deficient WB Rat Liver Epithelial Cell Lines. Presented at American Society for Cell Biology Annual Meeting. December 4-8, 2004, at the Washington Convention Center in Washington DC.

Marquette, M. J*., H. A. Jacobs*, K. Pidcock*, M. Knabb (2004) Targeting Helicobacter pylori with Antibodies: Exploring Drug Delivery with Polymer Beads. Federation of the Societies for Experimental Biology. Washington DC.

Gazerwitz, Linda, Cullen, G., Golden, G. 2003. Morphometric Computer Analysis of the Human Pineal in the Aging Brain. Society for Neuroscience, 33rd Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA.

Duff, C. M. and Fish, F. E. 2002. Enhanced propulsion using undulation of the elongate tail of the South American giant river otter (Pteronura brasiliensis). Integrative and Comparative Biology, 42(6): 1223.

Holak, J. L.*, Fish, F. E., Nowacek, D. P. and Nowacek, S. M. 2002. High performance turning capabilities during foraging by bottlenose dolphins. Integrative and Comparative Biology, 42(6): 1244.

Kojeszewski, T. and Fish, F. E. 2002. Swimming of the Florida manatee: Kinematics of an aquatic grazer. Integrative and Comparative Biology, 42(6): 1259.

Slusher, L., Misquith, G., Gaverwitz, L. and Casotti, G. 2003. Expression and localization of aquaporin homologs in the avian kidney. Society for Integrative and Comparative Biologist P1.95, 308.

Burns*, A.C. Archer, J.*, Slusher, C.*, Slusher, L., and Casotti, G. 2002. Localization of aquaporins in the lower intestinal tract of birds. American Zoologist 41, 141.

Fish, F. E., Smelstoys, J.*, Baudinette, R. V., and Reynolds, P. S. 2001. Fur doesn’t fly, it floats: buoyancy of hair in semi-aquatic mammals. American Zoologist, 41(6): 1444.

Kojezewski, T. and Fish, F. E. 2001. Kinematics of swimming in manatees American Zoologist 41(6): 1495.

Fish, F. E., Frappell, P. B, Baudinette, R. V., and MacFarlane, P. M. 2000. Energetics of terrestrial locomotion of the platypus: metabolic inefficiencies due to aquatic adaptation. American Zoologist, 40(6): 1015-1016.

Atkins, T. A., Weisz, J. P., Beneski, J. T., Triano, E. A., and Slusher, L. B. 1999. Alcohol dehydrogenase I is expressed in human breast epithelial cells and is down regulated in breast cancer. Proc. American Assoc. Cancer Res. 40:269.

Davis, A., L. Slusher, and J.T. Beneski. 1999. A novel method for DNA extraction and amplification from amphibians. Joint Annual Meeting Hepetologists' League and Society for the Study of Amphibians and Reptiles, State College, PA.

Davis, A., L. Slusher, and J.T. Beneski. 1998. Sequencing 12S rRNA from formalin preserved salamanders. Annual Meeting of the American Society of Zoologists, Denver, CO.

Tiebout, H.M., III, Pagano, S.A.*, Heister, K.M., Carfioli, M.A.*, and Lutcher, F.C. 1998. Fourth Conference on the Biology of Plethodontid Salamanders, "Evaluation of coverboard designs for plethodontid salamander monitoring: creating variation in microhabitats," 12-15 June, Highlands, NC.

Carfioli, M.A.*, Tiebout, H.M., III, Heister, K.M.,, Pagano, S.A.*, and Fredric C. Lutcher, F.C. 1998. Fourth Conference on the Biology of Plethodontid Salamanders, "Plethodon cinereus preferences among experimental coverboard types at Valley Forge National Historical Park, PA," 12-15 June, Highlands, NC.

Fish, F. E. and Shannahan, L.D.* 1998. Comparative shark locomotion in relation to body and pectoral fin angles. American Zoologist, 38(5): 17A.

Tiebout, H., Anderson, R, and Pecora, T. 1998. Society for Conservation Biology, "Mesocosm simulations of commercial logging in the Florida Sand Pine Scrub: effects of anthropogenic habitats on fitness of the endemic Florida Scrub Lizard (Sceloporus woodi)," 10-14 August, Brown University, RI.

Fonseca, C. E. and Fish, F. E. 1997. Energetic implications of surfacing for bottlenose dolphins. American Zoologist, 37(5): 108A.

Tiebout, H., Anderson R., and Pecora, T. 1996. Society for the Study of Amphibians and Reptiles, "Effects of commercial logging on fitness of the endemic Florida Scrub Lizard (Sceloporus woodi): mesocosm simulations of anthropogenic habitats," 24-29 July, University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS.

O'Brien, C.*,Tiebout, H., Anderson, R., and Mikula, P. 1996. National Council for Undergraduate Research, "Utilization of unpaved roads as habitat corridors by the Florida Scrub Lizard in Ocala National Forest, Florida," April 18-20, University of North Carolina at Asheville, Asheville, NC.

Fish. F. E., and Battle, J. M.* 1994. Hydrodynamic design of the humpback whale flipper. American Zoologist, 34(5): 90A.

Aigeldinger, T.* and Fish, F. E. 1993. Mechanics of skimming by surface swimming ducklings. Journal of the Pennsylvania Academy of Science, 66: 175.

Aigeldinger, T. L.* and Fish, F. E. 1993. Hydroplaning by ducklings: Overcoming limitations to swimming at the water surface.American Zoologist, 33(5):120A.

Battle, J.* and Fish, F. E. 1993. Hydrodynamic design of the humpback whale flipper. Journal of the Pennsylvania Academy of Science, 66: 177.

Brainerd, E. L., Page, B. N.* and Fish, F. E. 1992. Fast-start performance and opercular jetting in flatfishes: Overcoming a sticky problem? American Zoologist, 32(5):139A.

Fish, F. E., Fegely, J. F.* and Xanthopoulos, C. J.* 1989. Kinematic analysis of energy economy in schooling fish. American Zoologist, 29(4): 149A.

Fish, F. E. and Euker, L. A.* 1986. Behavioral thermoregulation of small American alligators in water: Postural changes in relation to the thermal environment. American Zoologist, 26(4): 112A.

Other Publications

John Pisciotta, Enzo Kerr*, Nick Galambos* and Peter Hornbach* led a Mushroom Cultivation Workshop at WCU on May 5th, 2017.

Mossman, Joe R.*, Schultz, William* and Zaybak, Zehra were awardwd the Silver Medal at the international science competition sponsored by Bluesens Company of Germany for their entry: “Enhanced waste-to-fuel conversion with a bioelectrochemically controlled autotrophic bioreactor”. Dec. 2013

O'Brien, S. Department of Defense video demonstrating the value of modern imaging techniques at Fox Chase Cancer Center. 2013.

Waldron, T., Slusher, L.B., Casotti, G. Passer domesticus AQP1 complete cDNA sequence. Genbank Accession number AY817455, September 2004.

Davis, A., Slusher, L.B., Beneski, J.T. Pseudotriton ruber 12S ribosomal RNA gene, partial sequence of a mitochodrial gene. Genbank Accession number AF290190, July, 2000.

Davis, A., Slusher, L.B. Beneski, J.T. Gyrinophilus porphyriticus 12S ribosomal RNA gene sequence, partial sequence of a mitochondrial gene. Genbank Accession number AF290189, July, 2000.

Davis, A., Slusher, L.B., Beneski, J.T., Eurycea wilderae 12S ribosomal RNA gene, partial sequence. Genbank Accession Number AF290189, July, 2000.

Davis, A., Slusher, L.B., Beneski, J.T. Eurycea bilineata 12S ribosomal RNA gene, partial sequence. Genbank Accession Number AF 290186, July, 2000.

Davis, A., Slusher, L.B., Beneski, J.T. Eurycea bislineata 12S ribosomal RNA gene, partial sequence. Genbank Accession number AF290185, July, 2000.

Davis, A., Slusher, L.B., Beneski, J.T. Desmongnathus welteri 12S ribosomal gene, partial sequence. Genbank Accession number AF 290185, July, 2000.

Davis, A., Slusher, L.B., Beneski, J.T. Desmognathus conanti 12S ribosomal gene, partial sequence, Genbank Accession number AF290184, July, 2000.

Davis, A., Slusher, L.B., Beneski, J.T. Desmognathus fuscus 12S ribosomal gene, partial sequence. Genbank Accession number AF290183, July, 2000.