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Assistant Professor
B.A., Escuela Normal Superior of Jalisco, Mexico
B.A., University of Guadalajara, México
M.A., Universtiy of Guadalajara, Mexico
Ph.D., The University of Texas at Austin
Email Raul Fregoso Bailon


Raul Olmo Fregoso Bailon grew up and taught all his life in Latin America. He studies and teaches Latin American philosophers of education in their original language.

Raul Olmo Fregoso Bailon received his Ph.D. from The University of Texas at Austin in cultural studies in education, M.A. in Latin American Studies from the Universtiy of Guadalajara, Mexico, and B.A. in Law from the University of Guadalajara, México, as well as B.A. in Pedagogy from the Escuela Normal Superior of Jalisco, Mexico. He is the author of ¿Qué tan Diferente es México de la Venezuela de Chávez? Un Acercamiento a través del Programa de Desayunos Escolares (University of Guadalajara Press). His dissertation, “The Philosophy of Liberation of The Bolivarian Education System” looked at the philosophical significance of Latin American critical pedagogies. He previously worked at the Universidad Pedagogica Nacional, Mexico.  He is currently a member of the International Advisory Committee of the UNESCO Chair in Democracy, Global Citizenship and Transformative Education 


Dr. Fregoso Bailon teaches in the Educational Foundations and Policy Studies graduate and undergraduate courses.


Some of Dr. Fregoso Bailon's most recent publications include:


Fregoso Bailón, R. O. (2010). Que tan diferente es Mexico de la Venezuela de Chavez: Un acercamiento a traves de los programas de desayunos escolares. Guadalajara: Universidad de Guadalajara Press.


Fregoso Bailón, R. O. & De Lissovoy, N. (2018). Against coloniality: toward an epistemically insurgent curriculum. Policy Futures in Education, 0(0), 1-15.  

Fregoso Bailón, R. O. & Shannon, M. S. (2018). Poemas Bilingües, la patria grande latinoamericana y el gran México en letras de estudiantes mexicanos.  Journal of Bilingual Education Research & Instruction, 20(01), 36-51.

Fregoso Bailón, R. O.  (2017). La niña tere: resistencia literaria de Latina/o-América. Bilingual Research Journal, 40(4), 444–445.

Fregoso Bailón, R. O. (2017). Ciencias Sociales o Estudios Culturales en América Latina: Una aproximación desde El Mar de las Lentejas de Antonio Benítez Rojo. Contextualizaciones Latinoamericanas. 4(9), 1-12.

Fregoso Bailón, R. O. (2015). Propuestas epistémicas descoloniales en Sakubel k'inal jajchwinik /La Aurora Lacandona y Canek. Revista Iberoamericana de Ciencias. 2(1),  182-194.

Fregoso Bailón, R. O. (2015). Sobre una trans-colonialidad para la construcción de la pedagogía crítica descolonial: El caso de la propuesta curricular de la educación Bolivariana. Configuraciones Latinoamericanas, 7(13), 1-8.

Fregoso Bailón, R. O. (2009). Hacia algunas alternativas del neoliberalismo en America Latina. Configuraciones Latinoamericanas, 2 (3), 1-39.


De Lissovoy, N. & Fregoso Bailón, R. O. (in press). The idea of coloniality: key dimensions and critical implications.  In D. Ford (Ed.), Keywords in Radical Philosophy and Education. London: Sense-Brill.

De Lissovoy, N. & Fregoso Bailón, R. O. (in press). Enrique Dussuel, Decoloniality and Education. In P. Pericles Trifonas (Ed.), Springer International Handbook of Cultural Studies and Education. New York, NY: Springer.

Fregoso Bailón, R. O. & Alatorre, F. (2018). The Development of Democratic Citizenship within the Context of Education for Latin American Unification. In P. R. Carr, M. Hoechsmann and G Thésée (Eds.), Democracy 2.0. Media, Political Literacy and Critical Engagement (pp. 27-47). London: Sense-Brill.

Fregoso Bailón, R. O. (2011). ¿Como es en la práctica el socialismo del siglo XXI social venezolano? In J. Ceja & M. Cázares (Eds.), Practicas ciudadanas y movimientos contra-hegemonicos en America Latina (pp. 175-218). Guadalajara: University of Guadalajara Press.

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