Project Guide Guidelines

CORAL Project Guide Guidelines

Check List for Introductory Collaborative Assignment/Team Identity Assignment

  • Do all team members know how to use fileman (e.g., filenames need to be simple and not include spaces, underscores, or odd characters; they should use the .doc and .ppt extensions)?
  • Do all team members know how to use coral reef?
  • Do all team members know how to use webboard (including posting to individuals)?
  • Do all team members know how to use calendar?
  • Have all team members read through the coral syllabus and looked at the weekly schedule?
  • Have all the team members read through the assignment rubric/guidelines?
  • Have all the team members read through the collaborative on-line readings?
  • Have all the team members exchanged email addresses?
  • Has the team scheduled their first coral reef chat?
  • Has a WTW person been assigned and have they explained what the wtw chart is to the team?
  • Do team members understand that the team needs to work and communicate between classes including between Wednesday and Monday classes (including weekends)?
  • Does the team realize that when assignments are completed, the team needs to move on to the next assignment instead of waiting?
  • Has the team organized how they will complete the assignment including how to label multiple copies of the paper?
  • Do students understand that they must attend every class and if there is an emergency they need to post to the teams that they won’t be attending or “meet” with their team via coral reef?
  • Do teams understand the role of the project guide?
  • Are all team members reading all the webboard postings?
  • Has the team come up with a day and time for a weekly chat?
  • Does your team develop agendas prior to videoconferences?

Things to check on for Choosing An Applied Problem Analysis Topic

  • Have all the team members read through the assignment rubric/guidelines?
  • Is the research topic relevant to course topics at both sites?
  • Do all team members know how to use powerpoint?

Check List for The Applied Literature Review Assignment

  • Have all team members read the literature review text!
  • Do teams know where to begin their research?
  • Does the team understand that individual team members need to present articles to each other at each video conference?
  • Have team members begun to summarize articles?
  • Does the team understand what a literature review is (e.g., the difference between an article summary and a literature review)?
  • Is the team using the on-line calendar to schedule the article presentations?
  • Have all the team members read through the assignment rubric/guidelines?
  • Has the team developed a plan to put the summaries together into one applied literature review (e.g., do they know that they need to integrate instead of cut and paste)?
  • Is the team scheduling weekly chats and do they know about the logs and recording?
  • Does the team understand an applied literature review?
  • Are Webboard postings sufficient (e.g., are individuals talking to each other instead of to the team)?
  • Are all team members speaking at the video conference?
  • Does the team understand that they can submit a draft of the applied literature review to the project guide for feedback before it is submitted?
  • Are all team members reading all Webboard postings?
  • Are team member reading all the articles and summaries?
  • Are ALL team members checking on APA style?

Check List for Remedies Section Assignment

  • Have all team members read through the explanations of the discussion section in the texts?
  • Do all team members understand that they need to include problems with their study, possible future research, etc. in the discussion section?
  • Have all the team members read through the assignment rubric/guidelines?

Check List for Collaborative Assignments

  • Have team members read shared all the articles from both sides?
  • Do the teams know they need to include all the references from both sides?
  • Have all the team members read through the assignment rubric/guidelines?
  • Is your team working through conflicts?
  • Is conflict included in the collaborative analysis?
  • Does the team know that they shouldn’t “sugar-coat” but instead should reflect what is really happening in the collaborative analysis?
  • Are all team members committed to the team’s success (e.g., attend chats, post and read Webboard messages, complete assignments, etc.)?
  • Does the team know that they cannot “cut and paste” their paper together, that it must be integrated?
  • Does the team know that they can ask the project guide for feedback on their paper?
  • Is the whole team reading and reworking all the sections of the paper?
  • Are both sites working together at integrating assignments?
  • Does the team understand that they must multi-task (e.g., work on more than one assignment at once)?
  • Is the team utilizing the on-line calendar to create and remember deadlines?

Check List for Final PowerPoint Presentation and Papers

  • Have all the team members read through the assignment rubric/guidelines?
  • Have all team members looked at the sample paper on the coral homesite?
  • Does the team understand that the papers drafts cannot be cut and pasted but rather need to be modified and integrated?
  • Does the team understand that the powerpoint presentation should be around 30 minutes?
  • Does the team understand that the papers should be no more than 20 pages?
  • Does the team understand there is a limit on powerpoint slides, 10-12?
  • Does the team understand that all team members should be contributing to the presentation and final papers?


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